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Jud@s' DNI/BYI List

Haii!! I don't want this to be one of those long and honestly convoluted DNI lists. This is just covering who I refuse to interect with/ who i refuse to engage with if they interact first.


-Minors (I am an adult and I will talk about adult topics sometimes. I don't care how mature you think you are for a minor)

-Homophobes, Transphobes, Xenophobes, Racists, Ableists (and effectively any other form of hatred you could find yourself holding)

-P3dos/MAPS/NOMAPS (IDC what label you use, you like kids. If you're in therapy and stuff to help get rid of these attractions, good for you, I'm glad you're getting the help you need, but please dont interact)

-Proshippers (I'm going to post about why later on)

-People who brag about watching g0re (go to therapy, you aren't special, you need help)

-TCC simps (I'm not talking about people with a general interest with true crime/ have a true crime special interest, I'm refering to those who glorify and simp over real killers and horrible people. There are real victims behind those killers you think are hot)

-Fujoshi/Himedanshi (If you just like BL/GL like a normal amount and its not the only sort of romance thing you consume, that's fine. I'm refering to people who fetishize BL/GL and its the only form of romance they consume)

-N3cros/Z00s (Again, if you are getting the help you need to deal with these attractions, good for you but please DNI)

-People who don't know how to behave in fandom spaces/ who don't understand what is too far in fandom spacesĀ 

-Those who bully furries/ therians/anime nerds (effectively anyone who bullies people whos hobbies don't harm anyone/ spread harmful misinformation or promote an unsafe environment. If it doesn't harm anyone or create an unsafe environment for certain people, leave them alone)

-People who only read/ write smut (You have a p0rn addiction. Just because its words doesn't mean that its not a p0rn addiction. Read something legitimate. I swear some of y'all took "well, as long as they're reading" a little too fucking seriously)

-People who bully queer youth for figuring themselves out (Let the kids figure out who they are, they may be a little odd but they are entering a new part of their life and are in a new, unknown territory)

-Pls Interact-

-RWBY Fans!! (This is my Special Interest, has been for 8 years lol)


-Musicians/music enjoyers

-Cosplayers/ Furries

-Anime fans

-Book nerds

-Fanfic writers

-Horror fans


I am autistic. I have a very bad habit of being blunt and sometimes come off as rude. I am working on it.

I will talk a lot about my special interests and hyperfixations (Community discourses across many communities, RWBY, Fandom culture and the effects of it in IRL fandom spaces, Literary analysis and critique, Horror as a whole) and will likely go on long info dumps/rants/opinion shares.

I do not take kindly to hateful people. I try to be nice to most but if you are a bigot, I'm not going to attempt to be nice or accommodating to you.

I will talk about some mature themes and topics. I will try and put trigger warning where they apply for the mainstream sensative topics that I may cover. I will not, however, be able to put trigger warnign for every niche trigger that one may have, and for that I say, be wary when interacting.

If I criticize an interest of yours, do not get pissy with me, I will block you. If you want to have a conversation like an adult, I will be happy to engage and talk, but if you are mean and coming at me from a place of bad faith, I'll be mean back.

If I critisize an interest of yours, I am not calling you a bad person for liking the thing unless it is inherently horrible thing (g0re watchers, TCC simps, etc)

0 Kudos


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