strudel's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey


guys i still dont know how this website works how is everyone making their profiles so fancy and nice

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ryha11a's profile picture

blogs - permanent posts that stay on your profile, can get kudos similar to likes or upvotes

bulletins - short lifespan posts that only your added friends can view

forums - i dont rlly use this its mostly dead, but you can make specific posts in specific forums

groups - also dont rlly use lol i couldnt tell you

layouts - premade layouts that have code you can easily copy and paste into your profile to style it. can also be edited any which way to change certain elements

browse - look through active and online users to find people who match your interests vibe!

i hope this helped :) i had tons of fun editing my profile and browsing everywhere for graphics and other colorful things to add

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thank u.... i understand a little more

by strudel; ; Report