laufey 's profile picture

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Category: Life

welcome to my blog

hello and welcome to my blog everyone, i hope we get along well :3 i randomly decided to create a blog after not having an account on here for like 2 years. i'll mainly use this blog to yap about random stuff so expect lengthy paragraphs of nothing but yapping. i love sleeping so i tend to spend most of my free time sleeping while watching videos, so i may be a bit inactive from time to time since i tend to forget about stuff a lot. anywho, i don't really have anything to talk about right now except for final exams (since they are literally next week for me). due to my procrastination, i have not started studying for my classes, but that's ok. i will do something and pass somehow (hopefully). the only thing i can really yap about is how much my teachers annoy me right now so i will refrain from talking about such negative topics. i will hopefully start yapping a lot on here after exams if i don't forget about the existence of this website. i hope all of you have a wonderful, beautiful, majestic, and spectacular day. remember to eat and drink your water <3

(please ignore the grammar/spelling/word mistakes i don't want to put this through a grammar checker)

3 Kudos


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ryha11a's profile picture

hello welcome back to the site!! i encourage you to use it often and spend lots oftime customizing your profile, its so much fun :3 i love browsing old website and neocities collections of old graphics, makes me feel like im back in 2005

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right!! it's so fun expressing yourself through your account and everything. i'm not very experimental and don't know how to use this website really well since i barely used it properly back then, but right now i'm trying my best. i love your account theme tho, it looks super cool!

by laufey; ; Report

aye ty i appreciate it, i started just like you not knowing that to do. my advice is to find a cool preset layout, and mess around with it to see what each element does and what you can change. for example my background is just a link i had to change, some of it is easier than other parts, but eventually youll get the hang of it. im still technically using the same layout since i made the account ive just modified it so much lmao

by ryha11a; ; Report