
washing out a colander is hard.


maybe not hard,

just weird.

you can wash out most of it

most of the time,

but sometimes you get little pieces stuck.

and trying to rinse it out doesn't work,

cause the water falls through.

and turning it around doesn't work,

cause it's a tiny piece of pasta,

stuck to the bottom,

or in a hole.

the only way to get them out,

is to pick them out yourself.

is a colander a bowl?

not really.

i mean you can't eat soup out of it.

or cereal.

maybe you could eat dry cereal out of it,

but most of it would fall out.

maybe not a bowl,

but a plate?

i could eat a burger out of a colander.

i could eat the pasta i rinsed in the colander,

out of the colander.

that'd be fun.

then i wouldn't have to clean another plate,

just the colander,

that i used to rinse the pasta,

that i used to eat the pasta.

would still be weird to clean though.

3 Kudos


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Freya || DerpoNerpo ʚ🍓ɞ

Freya || DerpoNerpo ʚ🍓ɞ's profile picture

this is so silly i love it

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Poppet's profile picture

beautiful work <3

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