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Category: Music

Anyad's guide to the internet : music

Are you lost? Perhaps, scared and alone on the internet?

Well, dont fear! My name is anya, or anyad, and ill be your trusty guide to this crAAAZZYYyy place called the internet! Well, lets start off with something CRUCIAL!


I know, i know, you thought i was going to talk about something like internet safety! BOOOORRIIINNGG! As important it is, you could learn that info from ANY other internet guide!! So, to get it started..

What is music?? Well, to put it shortly, its just noises!!

But anya, isnt EVERYTHING you hear just noises?! What makes music so much different from all the other noises?!

Well, my dear friend, music isnt just random noises. Its a carefully tought out jumble of noises! Some have loud thuns, some have..questionable sounds! And even if it is just random noises, music is something that has a soul, a person (if not more) behind it! Feelings, thoughts, memories! 

Music is the human soul, in a way you can hear it!! Thats so cool, right?! And music has almost NO rules! You can make whatever, however! You can write lyrics to a song, or you can make it just Instrumental! You can make it about silly cats, or about a lost, loved person!

Anya, that is so cool! But where do i find music..?!

Well, EVERYWHERE! And no, im not trying to be one of those kid Friendly-disney movies all about how music is inside you, because trust me, its not really INSIDE YOU, its EVERYWHERE, but that also includes inside you. So what im basically saying is, its everywhere you look. Nature, that one icecream truck, or on the net! 

From birdsong to beeps and boops sang by a robot, its really all the same.

But, if youre not so philosophical and want a straight foward answer, some of the best places to find actual music is here, on the net, a few clicks away!

Youtube, spotify, soundcloud, or even apple music, there are many dedicated apps just for your music needs! And the best part, you can even release your own music! 

But what kind of music can i make, anya?!

Well, music can come in SO many different forms! So, lets glance over them really quick!!

We have what we call genres (the big ones) and sub-genres(tiny ones spreading from big one)!

Now, ill be talking about these in no particular order, because trust me, it doesnt matter, because whatever name you give what you listen to, people will judge! 

Ill go over some basic ones, and then some more "weirdo" ones!!

RAP : basically, you talk to a beat (instrumental) on rythm and it just sounds good!!!

JAZZ : trumpets! Guitars! TRUMPETS!!! Chill music overall..

POP : catchy music! Basically every song on the radio!

CLASSICAL : old music. OLD.



DNB : Drums..and bass....!! Basically the name!! 

K-POP : pop but...korean...yeah, weird, i know!


DISCO : dead at this point...but basically DnB x Pop..??!!

Well, there are SO MANY MORE genres, but trust me, if i was to talk about them, id start an internet debate war...

Experiment, dear friend!

I hope you have a great time listening, and tune in to the next part!

Anya out :)

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