Online shopping

Heya! Im wanting to change my style since my clothing is REALLY basic and shein aint it. Does anyone know where I can order somewhat alternative clothing for not TOO expensive that ships to EU? And possibly does Plus sized sizes in pants.

Mwuah Mwuah

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spottydogs's profile picture

Aliexpress has some great dupes & jewellery. Taobao is awesome but I don't think it ships directly to europe? Maybe with an agent you could buy from there. People always say this but thrifting too definitely, not even just irl but also on places like ebay or facebook marketplace. You never know what you can find secondhand.

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I'll try it out but tbh here the thriftshops r so expensive, they already ask 20 bucks for a top its almost the same prices as normal shops. Ebay is REALLY expensive over here but we have a thing called marketplace as well and I tried looking on there but there is nothing that kinda fits what I am looking for sadly enough, I'll for sure continue looking though!!

by Mae; ; Report

Definitely do!! I totally get it, thrifting is getting more and more expensive in Australia too :'(( I've been checking facebook marketplace and ebay randomly for about a year, and it's mostly nothing, but I've also found some surprisingly great finds!! You never know when some retired baddie is about to resell her old stuff haha

by spottydogs; ; Report

In my country its mainly granny's selling stuff same with thrifting. And when I find something its like 15 bucks + 5-10 bucks shipping

by Mae; ; Report