Hello spacehey

So uhh lol no clue how to start this but hello spacehey! :] My daughter has been NAGGING me to make a account, which I honestly don't get, I don't get! I probably have no use being on here LOL!! I want to start a blog detailing my life! I will upload some times (planning on once each month) and if something huge happens I will post about that though however I'm unsure! Anyways, to wrap this up hello spacehey! The people hear seem cool, however I will only add people I know!

[disclaimer;this account is just fictional, no I dont have a daughter, but I do find the people here to be cool! this is a rp account or smth I DONT KNOW WHAT THESE ACCOUNTS COULD BE CALLED i just wanted to make multiple accounts for fun about my ocs, also idk when I will make the other ocs I just mentioned their accounts]

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XxGlitchxX's profile picture

good to see SNAKE convinced you to join, hi bagel *YAAAAAAAAAAAWN* =I

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oh hi glitch! don't you think..you should be asleep...

by ð“‹¹Bagelð“‹¹; ; Report

ugh...dont say that!!!

by XxGlitchxX; ; Report

but hello ¬_¬

by XxGlitchxX; ; Report