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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Some html stuff!!

hi!! i just wanted to put some lil html things that can help! since i see some people stuggling with this :)  

number 1: line break/br
if your text + image is looking like this:

hello, welcome to me! want to know about cats?this is a cute cat.

try putting this in your code! : <br> , it will write more like this.

hello, welcome to me! want to know about cats?<br><img src="" style="width:200px"/><br>this is a cute cat.

and the results will be..

hello, welcome to me! want to know about cats?

this is a cute cat.

Better, right?

number 2: span

if your text is looking like this:

this text is blue, this text is big!

try adding a span! : <span style=""> . Dont forget to add the ending : </span>

<span style="color:blue">this text is blue,</span> <span style="font-size:20px">this text is big!</span>

and the results will be..

this text is blue, this text is big!

Better, right?

number 3: border and border radius

want to add a border or rounded corners, but its looking like this?

try using a border or border radius! add it to the 'style=""' tag in your img!

<img src="" style="width:200px;border:black dashed 3px;"> <img src="" style="width:200px;border-radius:15px;">

and the results will be..

Better, right?

Sorry if this was confusing or badly written :,) lmk if you have questions or need clarification!

3 Kudos


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