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Category: Games

SIMS 2 IS THE BEST!!! (#notspon #notanad)

sims 2 has to be one of the best games i have ever played... in my life. you seriously cant get more in depth as this game, and it sucks the franchise turned into what it has now lol. its pretty ironic actually considering the sims started as a game to mock american consumerism only to BECOME the PINNACLE of AMERICAN CONSUMERISM!!! anyways enough historical context... 

one of the reasons why i love sims 2 is because of how the stories progress. in most of my games, i play a lot of generic tropes like rich private school kids and one of them is really bitchy but the other is super nice. cringe but enjoyable. HOWEVER... nothing and i mean NOTHING can beat how fleshed out these characters feel even though i made them so one-dimensional. with the help of aspirations, personality "points", and even their turn ons and turn offs? everything just feel so planed out and so satisfying to see one sentence turn into a whole essay. its almost like... ai! im jk i genuinely hate ai and hate how its taking so many creative jobs, but that's a whole other thing. 

if you don't want to play sims 2 because of how it looks visually, im not sorry, you're missing out. just because something doesn't look pretty doesn't mean its not good. the creative integrity it took to make this game and have it WORK? its beyond me. this was made somewhere in the 2000s btw. i know it crashes sometimes but that's what happens when an abandoned game resurfaces. there are a lot of glitches and bugs but compared to sims 4 it really doesn't matter. at least the sims 2 HAS content. wait- has BASE GAME content. 

personally, i play this game to be immersed into another world. LIKE WHO WOULDNT WANT TO EXPERIENCE BEING A FILTHY RICH KID WHO LIVES IN A CASTLE? i basically live through my characters and MAYBE... that could be categorized as escapism but tbh why does it matter? im having fun, and at least i have a life outside of this game. plus i don't think im deliberately hating my life so much that i use sims 2 as my lifeline. i just genuinely enjoy it unlike other games lol (LEAGUE OF LEGENDS)

speaking of life outside of this game, im not even joking but playing this game actually lowk improved my life. i feel like i just got so used to playing through my sims that i began to act like a sim. that sounds so chronically online but hear me out. i make my sims grind a bunch of skill sets because i want them to be op! and then i realized wait omg... why live through a character whos doing that when i can just... become that. SO NOT ONLY is sims super fun but honestly a great motivator. it sounds insane when trying to connect two and two together, but it works for me so lol! when i see a sim life maxing it out, i just wanna start doing that. 

another point. sims 2... is so realistic. there's so many small details in the game that adds to the realism (there's videos on that just search up 50 small details and boom). not only that but the game also got SO MUCH harder when one of my sims became a parent. i genuinely started feeling bad for my parents because the switch was just so sudden. THATS the kind of gameplay i want. i love how my sims had to stay from work, had to hire a nanny, and STILL couldn't properly do everything they wanted with their kid. they wanted to teach them how to walk, speak, and blah blah before they aged up, but they couldn't because tbh that's just not how it works. you're going to miss stuff, and lose opportunities, but that's all a part of life. i love how struggle is genuinely portrayed and how there are consequences to your actions. 

memories are another feature i LOVE in this game. for example, if your wife cheats on you, what do you think will happen? well in the sims 2 if they just flirt it out, all will be well! uh not in the sims 2! they remember and the relationship is UNREPAIRABLE. this is another example of consequence, but tbh its riddled throughout the whole game. headmasters, academic probation, not paying your bills?! in sims 4 they just shut down your stuff, in sims 2 a man steals your furniture!!! nooo not my 2000 dollar telescoppeee :((( 

im probably going to write a neater mini essay on this later, but the last thing i want to say is that in sims 2, whatever whoever you make feels human. one sided love is a thing!!! THATS CRAZY!!! sims has a wants and fears which are basically mini goals! personally, because of the aspiration meter and wants/fears system added, (aspiration is meter is basically how much wants they were able to pursue... better aspiration=more benefits and the opposite for worse), i actually care about my sims, MAKING ME EVEN MORE MOTIVATED TO LIVE LIKE THEM LOLOL. 

yea ill definitely recap my thoughts more nicely through an essay, but this is just a rough idea. 


2 Kudos


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