To sleep badly or not to sleep, that is the question

Doesn't it happen to you that you feel like doing things (both pending and hobbies) at midnight?

I can't sleep, I have so many things to do that I want to stay up all night working on my tasks because I'm afraid of falling asleep or forgetting something important. Even though I make lists I feel like I won't have time.

Sometimes I get obsessed with my chores, sometimes with my hobbies. Sometimes I reorganize my entire closet at 3am and feel like it's not (or I'm) enough.

And I did it once (spending the night) and I almost fainted from exhaustion in class, it was worse. But sometimes I feel that sleeping 0 hours is no worse than sleeping 4, I'm still going to rest poorly, what does it matter then?

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Dart Highwind

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Should still rest, even if it's less than optimal.
Your body does important stuff while you sleep, stuff that's better done poorly than not at all.

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you're right. I usually prioritize my work but I constantly forget that neglecting myself only makes everything more difficult. Sometimes stopping for a moment helps you gain momentum to continue stronger. But today I had to stay up late finishing a job :c

by Serafina.ᐟ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎‧₊˚✩彡; ; Report