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Category: Blogging

maladaptive daydreaming

maladaptive daydreaming has genuinely ruined my life tbh like it is the only thing I do. i have missed out on hanging out with friends because I was so attached to my daydreaming :( I feel like its the only thing that gives me comfort anymore, if im doing anything I think to myself "id rather be daydreaming". it makes me feel like I cant do anything, I have also been so behind in school because of it. i want it gone but I also am so scared because what would I do without it? what if it makes me worse to get rid of it? what if I can never get rid of it? idk...i just feel so stupid that id rather daydream all day than hangout with friends. i feel so safe in my head, I have so much trouble in social situations. erm anyway...

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