Cowbop BeBoy's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

This is a good website

I've been saying "man I wish we never turned our backs on MySpace," and then I got the idea to recreate it. So I started building the layout and perfected it and then someone said "Oh you're not on SpaceHey it's exactly what you're doing." 

And it is, but much better than what I was making. That being said, in my quest to recreate MySpace I learned a lot about modern web layout. I didn't know anything about grids or flexbox at all, I was still under the impression you used tables for layout like it's 2006. I was able to accurately reproduce the layout of the 2005-era Myspace and it was reactive.

Even though this site is way better than what I would have made I think I'll still keep messing around with it, because I did end up learning so damn much.

4 Kudos


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koma's profile picture

I never really got to see sites like MySpace and GeoCities back when they were big, so I'm really glad people have started making sites to be similar to them. Somehow, even though I wasn't on those sites growing up, these sorts of sites make me feel like I'm in the same kind of spaces I was in growing up? Maybe it's all just vibes lol

Oh, regarding the question on your profile, "Has anyone brought back GeoCities yet?", they have! It's called NeoCities! c: It's really fun to poke around with and to look and see what others have made. There's also a classic YouTube clone called BitView, but I haven't tried posting anything there, yet.

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Yeah it's cool, there's just a vibe for a certain type of person I didn't realize was free from the bounds of time.

by Cowbop BeBoy; ; Report