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Category: Art and Photography

Contemporary Art: The case of Damien Hirst and the use of sacrificed animals


Ethical controversies in contemporary art: The case of Damien Hirst and the use of sacrificed animals.

Following the recent presentation and exhibition of works such as "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" and "Mother and Child Divided" by Damien Hirst at the Museo Jumex in Mexico, renowned for its commitment to contemporary art, admiration and criticism towards the artist Damien Hirst have been sparked. This is primarily due to the fact that the animals used did not die naturally, but were specifically sacrificed or captured for artistic purposes.


Damien Hirst is a controversial British artist known for his works using animal corpses preserved in formaldehyde. His work has sparked intense debate about the ethical boundaries of art and the morality of using biological material in the name of artistic creativity.

Hirst rose to fame in the 1990s as one of the most prominent artists of the Young British Artists (YBAs) movement. One of his most notorious series, titled "Natural History," includes works where dead animals such as sharks, sheep, and cows are preserved in formaldehyde and exhibited as art.


Using dead animals as an artistic medium raises a series of ethical and moral questions. Many critics and animal rights advocates have condemned his work, arguing that Hirst trivializes death and exploits animals for his own artistic ends. This is especially problematic when the animals have not died naturally, but have been specifically sacrificed to be used in his artworks.

The ethics and moral responsibility of the artist are crucial topics in the contemporary art debate. In the case of Damien Hirst and his use of dead animals preserved in formaldehyde, serious ethical questions arise.

The moral responsibility of the artist involves considering the full impact of their works, not only on the audience but also on the subjects used in their creations, raising the question of whether art can justify the sacrifice of living beings in the name of artistic expression.


One of the most well-known cases where animals have been sacrificed specifically for Damien Hirst's art is his work titled "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living." This piece consists of an adult tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde inside a glass tank. The shark was captured specifically for this purpose in Australia.

Another notable work is "Mother and Child Divided" presented at the Venice Biennale in 1993. This installation consists of four transparent vitrines, each containing a calf and a cow cut in half and preserved in formaldehyde. The animals were sacrificed exclusively for this project.


While these works speak to the inevitability of death and express the fragility of animal life, they have also sparked intense ethical debate about the use of animals as an artistic medium.

The issue is not taking death as a muse or artistic interest; the problem lies in exposing preserved animal corpses that have not died naturally or, in most cases, have been the result of death expressly for 'art.'

From this perspective, criticism focuses on two main points: first, the fact that the animals used did not die naturally but were sacrificed or died for reasons unrelated to nature; second, that the use of these animals in art can be seen as insensitive exploitation and lacking in respect for the animals themselves and death in general.

The use of death as artistic inspiration is not a new phenomenon; throughout history, numerous artists have explored themes related to mortality and the fleeting nature of life. However, the debate does not revolve around taking death as a muse or artistic interest, but rather on the exploitation of the art object, in this case, animal life.


In conclusion, although Damien Hirst has sparked reflection and debate on themes of life, death, and the nature of art, his work continues to be controversial. The use of animals in these circumstances challenges the boundaries of what is acceptable in the pursuit of artistic expression and causes significant disagreement regarding whether art can justify the suffering and death of living beings. This discussion underscores the need for further debate and ethical consideration in the field of contemporary art, seeking to find a balance between artistic innovation and respect for life and animal welfare.

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