awful jason dean playlist rant (heathers)

Trying to find a good Jason Dean playlist is so hard, and its frustrating as hell because yes,,there is a lot of modern music that fits him very well. even “annoying alt kid music” like a some stuff by mother mother, tally hall, halsey, scissor sisters, p!atd and some stuff i see less is green day, mcr, and fallout boy- BUT I see so many people ONLY doing that music, which again, is totally ok. I like that music too. But it makes me MAD when its titled shit like “JDs fav songs” “listen to music w/ JD” and its just those artists. I’ve only found a few with music actually from the 80s!! Like im sorry JASON DEAN ISNT LISTENING TO THE SUICIDE SQUAD SOUNDTRACK??? Have your playlists and enjoy them but god damn is it hard to find what im looking for. 

JD also canonically listens to one band that we know of, Lions and Ghosts. They hit the top 40 once but never really left their niche of college radio. We know this because of the shirt he wears in the last part of the movie (the black and white one) which is their merch. They were a guitar rock band, falling into new wave/post punk with pop influence. I think they’re good, but anyways, I want more music like that! I wanna see more college rock JD playlists. More camper van beethoven, REM, and more 80s rock classics! I feel like this little shit was listening to prog rock, goth, punk, and a lot more, but its hard to find/get into that type of music sometimes. Anyways i found a single playlist that fits that vibe and im so happy abt it still! I just wish people made character playlist with more variety cause its hard to find stuff I like. Anyways, if anyone wants music recs ill hand em to u! Im working on a playlist of my own rn but heres a rec for one- it doesnt have lions and ghosts but its close to what i mean:

lions and ghosts: 

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nah hes totally a poser

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i mean, yeah- he's not actually part of any of those subcultures, that doesnt mean he wouldn't listen to them

by Dean; ; Report