people in my class + medieval world

When I'm bored I tend to imagine each person in my class as a character in a story, and today I came to mention them, because I'm simply bored.

 I will first talk about its characteristics and then I will talk about what it would be like in my world 

Beatriz: long straight hair, She has slanted eyes and is short,Due to her intelligent way of being, she would be a merchant and owner of part of the villages  

Amanda: red hair, medium and straight, eyes highlight her face, due to her appearance, she would be an elf, she would work in gardening and live in a greenhouse, she would be very vain and would be admired by other elves in the region  

Letícia: wears glasses, short and straight hair, is experienced when it comes to advice, she would be an assistant to the queen, helping with meals, fixing her hair and making teas  

Sophia:curly and blonde hair, wears glasses and is a person who stands out for her intelligence, she would be a princess, quite vain, she would spend hours reading books and talking to her lady-in-waiting  

Mariana: has long, curly brunette hair, she would definitely be Princess Sophia's lady-in-waiting 

Pedro: quite tall, strong, he would be one of the castle guards, in his free time he goes to the tavern where he meets his friend João and they tell him about his adventures  

Joao:he would be a woodcutter, strong, tall and who also has fun in the tavern 

Vinicius: curly and dark hair, stands out when it comes to books, he was the son of a wise man from the region and started a book and tapestry store, much adored by the queen and the king 

samuel: dark and tall, when it comes to mathematics, he would stand out, he would be a great architect, he would make wood sculptures and work for the king 

Joaquim: small, thin and funny, he would be the king's jester, basically the harlequin  

Bruno:strong, big hands, and hardworking, he would be a blacksmith from the region  

caio: aggressive, short dark hair, he would definitely be a contractor, wanting to make easy money, he would loot the region  

Julio: long, wavy hair, he would be a painter, he would create art that would stand out throughout the kingdom 

Francisco:calm, and doesn't attract much attention, he would be a peasant  

Antônio: at the same time he would be a jester, when he is in his sad phase, he would definitely be one of those guys who behead people on the king's orders 

Caua: the most intelligent in the kingdom, he would be a prophet, wizard and sage, he would live in the castle and use a crystal ball to predict the future 

Julia:long, curly hair, shy, and wears glasses, she would be a peasant, but very intelligent, as she knows a little about everything 

Laura: she would be the owner of a brothel, just because she is charming and manages to attract the attention of several  

Isabel:Short, curly hair, short, she would be one of the wizard's assistants, as she is intelligent on the subject, and stood out for being the person who understands him most, even in making potions.  

Enrique: wavy, blond hair, green eyes and strong, he would be a fearless knight, with only one purpose, to defend the village and save everyone from the clutches of evil 

Fernanda (me): I would be a messenger, in fact I don't really know what I would be, because it's easier for someone other than me to define me 

nicolas: tall, short, curly hair, and a square face, he would own a farm, and would be a great friend of the craftsman  

I FINISHEDDD, só bye, I'm abt tô sleep

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