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Category: Friends

Tips for getting more friends!!

Okay so first things first, im writing this on my phone so i apologize if the formatting is super odd.

So, if you're here then I'm assuming you're new to spacehey or you've been on it for a while and just want to share your grooviness w the world! To start things off, I just want to clarify that having lots of friends does not make you cool, and not having friends doesn't make you uncool. Theres a large culture on spacehey that thinms that the more friends you have, the cooler a person you are, but try not to let that stuff get to your head. You can have 3 friends and still be the coolest dude on planet earth. 

Still interested? Okay, cool. Here are the tips that I use for growing my friends list.

1. Friending new people

A lot of new people on spacehey are super excited to have more friends than the basic 2 that your account comes with. Its a great first experience if you friend somebody new right when they log onto the site, it really shows a sense of community. HOWEVER I would advise not friending completely brand new accounts because sometimes those can be bad people who haven't gotten a chance to show off how bad of people they are yet. Start by friending new people who already have intros on their accounts.

That leads me to my 2nd point.

2. Introductions

A lot of people are curious about who YOU are, this is a community site after all. If you make an introduction during the most active hours of the site, then you're bound to have a couple new friend requests in your inbox. I would advise that you upload your intro as a blog. A lot of people don't entirely read accounts, and blogs are usually easier to find than specific accounts. Theres even a chance that you may even have your intro end up on the popular blogs list! Who knows?

3. Decorations

Lets be honest here, nobody wants to have a blank account on their friends list. Theres no shame in having a blank account, but a lot of people either don't trust them or just don't like how their 'aesthetic' can rub off on their friends.. something like that. If you want to get recognized quicker, start by using simple decorations. You can use blinkies, stamps, buttons, pagedolls, etc just to start out as a sort of mini introduction. There are tons of layouts for free in the layouts section. Don't feel ashamed for using them! They're there for a reason.

4. Your friend's friends

Alright so if you've followed most of these tips then you'll probably have about 18-30 friends with a bit of patience. This is good! So, that means you're in the perfect position to go down what I like to call 'friendloops'. Friend loops are when you click on a friend's page, scroll down to their friend's list, and send requests to their friends. Then, when you send a request to a friend's friend, go to that new friend's page and do the same thing. Then, you just keep repeating until you either reach a dead end or you end up back at the original friend's page.

In a simpler way: Friend A> Friend B> Friend D> Friend C> Friend E> Friend A 

OR Friend E> DEAD END.

People are more likely to add mutual friends because they know that their own friend can trust you!

5. Interacting with others

Some people are just too shy to interact with others on spacehey. Thats okay! Dont be ashamed to be shy, its easy to get intimidated by people on this site who may seem a lot more experienced than you. But remember, there are people behind the screen just like you! And the block button is always there if you feel uncomfortable. 

That being said, it pays off to interact with other people on the site. If you see someone posting an introduction, ask about their interests or any experiences that they may have had. Sort by recent in the blogs page and interact with the people who upload new entries. Soon, people will start to recognize you and they'll interact back. This is a great opportunity to add to your friends list or to scout out bad people that you shouldn't interact with. 

This leads me to my last point

6. Be YOU!

Its honestly a phrase we've heard a thousand times over before, and now it goes in one ear and out the other. But the fact still remains that people on this site LOVE when others are themselves. Nobody wants to be friends w the same 5 clones who have EVERYTHING in common. So thats why you should share your niche interests, share your artwork, blog about your life, and anything else that you think needs to be put out there for others to see. 

The real world is scary, especially for people with "taboo" interests. But, the great thing about spacehey, is that a lot of the culture is targeted to people who may get harrassed for their own geeky ideals. Like listening to MCR? Wonderful Theres probably a group for that! Want to vent to thin air? Feel free to, nobody will judge you. Remember that if real life doesn't accept you, fellow weirdos online will, and thats better than nothing!!

Im posting into the void rn help me

8 Kudos


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thank you

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Thanm you very much!!

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by Fritoleg; ; Report