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Category: Friends

A friend in trouble is known as gold in fire

What we acquire from birth are relationships. First there are relationships with family and close family, and later we make friends.
   In childhood, we learn what friendship is. Friendship is what makes the unknown known, the known valuable, and turns the valuable into beautiful memories. A friend is a person who is like a brother or sister to you, but you are not related. This is a person with whom you can talk about everything. Topics vary from school to hobbies, from personal interests to personal relationships, from your own feelings to your relationship with a friend. In addition to the talks, there are also activities. You play games with a friend, ride a bike, go to the mall, drink coffee, ride a roller coaster, sing, dance, rejoice, cry... Is that the only thing a friend is for? When you don't understand a math task and you're preparing for a written one, who will help you? When you had a difficult breakup with a partner, who do you complain to? When you're at the cash register and you've forgotten your money, who's next to you? Although a friend is there for you to have fun with, they are also there when you need help. But what if you suddenly have nowhere to live? What if you have serious problems in the family or are leaving town and have no one to part with? Not all friends in your circle will help you in such serious situations, and that's okay. But those who still manage to help, they are the most valued persons. Life doesn't have only good moments, there are also those moments when you think the world is ending. When you get out of the same moments, know that you have a support system made up of friends, or friends and family together. Sometimes the problem is not just about us. Since life is chaotic, it also affects the relationships we have with people. Relationships such as family, wide-family, even a circle of friends are prone to decay if not nurtured. Thus, problems can concern both ourselves and the person with whom we have a relationship. In this case, it can burn in the relationship between us and friends, for any reason. Such problems make the most difficult moments in which both we and our friend have to stay together. Especially when it comes to a relationship fight. Sometimes friendships don't last long, and that's okay. But some friendships that last for ten years or more are proof that the relationship can really be maintained in crisis situations. When such long relationships get people used to struggling with problems of all kinds, then there is a possibility that such relationships will never end. Maintaining a relationship requires mutual care, so that such problems do not arise.
   When both people in a relationship can function together, a friend in need is truly known as gold in fire.


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