The June horoscope

During the first week of June the quality of the weather is characterized by the strong emphasis on Gemini. The mood is relaxed and invites you to broaden your horizons. Jupiter in Gemini forms a trine with Pluto in Aquarius on June 3. Now even challenging things can be accomplished with ease.

Mercury also arrives in Gemini on June 3. It forms a sextile with Neptune shortly before entering the sign. On June 4, Mercury forms conjunction with Jupiter and a trine with Pluto. On the same day, the Sun and Venus form a conjunction in Gemini. On June 5, the Moon also enters Gemini and a New Moon forms the following day.

Use this time to have varied conversations with friends. Encourage small talk with strangers. Read that book you've had on your nightstand for a long time. Listen to that podcast you've always wanted to hear. You may have many new ideas during this time and some things will come more easily than usual. However, Geminian loquacity can also result in a lack of understanding due to so many words. Meditating by leaning into the flow of the breath can help now to transform vital energy into stillness and openness.

During the following days, the astrological weather will become more cloudy. Venus forms a square with Saturn in Pisces on June 8, as does the Sun on June 9. A hangover mood may now spread. Mars enters Taurus on June 9 and reaches a square to Pluto on the 11th. Mercury forms a square to Saturn on the 12th and a conjunction with the Sun on the 14th. Things seem to be at a standstill and it can be challenging to form a judgment due to recriminations. Some are now looking for a scapegoat.

The following days are characterized by the change of sign of Venus, Mercury and the Sun to Cancer. Venus and Mercury make a close conjunction on June 17 and the Sun on June 20 (solstice). Gemini, rich in words and ideas is now followed by emotional Cancer which puts us in touch with the deep waters of life.

The sign change of Venus, Mercury and the Sun is remarkable as they form an exact square to Neptune in the last few minutes of Pisces arc (29°52'). The quality of time is subtle, unfathomable and enchanting. It can bring indefinable feelings of longing and a deep grasp of the most intimate emotional events. Unusually profound experiences are now possible in budding or existing love relationships.

During this time, if you are one of those people with a very refined "antenna," you may feel connected to the core of life in a very mysterious way. Some people may also experience deep feelings of loneliness. Try to perceive such challenging feelings as something beyond the personal, from which you can move out and back in. However, also allow yourself to express your emotions, sharing them with people you trust.

The Full Moon in Capricorn, also in square to Neptune forms only two days after the solstice. The enigmatic and magically charged atmosphere of the last few days is now reaching its climax. Use this day to connect with people to whom you feel you belong. It is also a good day to perform rituals and ceremonies. Be careful, however, because the unstable quality of this time involves a very high level of emotionality. Attention and care are now essential.

On June 26, Mercury forms a trine with Saturn. The intense feelings of the past few days can now be better integrated. Saturn retrograde, which begins June 29 (and lasts until mid-November), also encourages integration. We should look again at all that the year has already brought us so far and place it in a broader context.

Events beyond the personal, as signaled by Neptune this month, can bring experiences that are difficult to categorize in the individual experience. Many people experience a transit of Neptune over their personal planets as confusing. Since Neptune moves very slowly through the zodiac, such transits are rare. However, they usually last a few months. These periods summon one to observe in detail the life of the soul. The better you know the depth of your soul, the easier it will be to experience a Neptune transit.

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