neeed frienzzz..BLOG!!!

im at my brotherz house rn!! we r watching community,, one of my fav shows,, an ive been working on my spacehey!!! im on "my" laptop (my momz old laptop shes letting me borrow)

N E wayz... i need more frienz on here, esp scene + emo buddies,, bcz i live in TEXAS n everybody around my town is mean ,,, and doesnt like my music or style :s 

sooo if ur into emo/scene music an style, r around my age (15) or r from texas.... SHOOT MI A FRIEND REQUEST!!! im happy to talk to new people!!!!

in other newz my autism assessment is tmrw..... 0-0 im scared! idk wat to expect!!! wish mii luck evry1!!!!!!!!!! 

signing off xoxo

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