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Category: Blogging

almost taxidermied mouse

i don't have a picture right now, but when i was outside the other day i found a fully intact mouse baby...? no, it wasn't a baby, it had fur, but it wasn't fully grown... idk how old it was
anyways, i took it home and put it in a sealed container with silica gel packets since that's what the internet told me to do..... idk if it'll work, but i haven't checked on it since it's at my moms house (she freaked out when i brought it home xd)

maybe once it fully bonifies? dehydrates? i don't know what to call it, once it turns into bones (the internet said it would without me touching it cuz of the silica, idk if thats true though) ill probably post it or something

i'm not a professional at this, so if i'm doing anything wrong someone please tell me, also what do i do with the bones once it dries? i was thinking of putting it into a glass/clear plastic box or something for display

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