7"-ep's profile picture

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Category: Life

about me (in depth)

name:: brylee, preferably rylee or green

nickname:: green

how old are you:: 14

zodiac sign:: cancer

current location:: what.

eye color:: hazel <33

hair color:: dirty blonde

hair type:: wavy

height:: 5'4..

your heritage:: half german, half american

what's your middle name:: marie!!

shoe's you wore today:: i just woke up

your weakness:: beds..

your fear:: butterflies.. dont ask

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: i.. no

do you want to:: hell no

goal you would like to achieve this year:: stop being tired

first thought when you wake up:: i have no thoughts

best physical feature:: of mine? nothing

who is your best friend:: lina <33

when is your bedtime:: er.. i sleep when i want.

your most cherished memory:: i literally cant remember a thing

pepsi or coke:: neither wtf

mc dondalds or burgerking:: neither, they fucking suck ass

single or group dates:: none??

what is the last song you sang:: prob last night on earth by green day

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: sure??

what is your biggest pet peeve:: chewing with ur mouth open like damn dude

do you drink:: im 14..

ever been drunk:: no..

do you smoke:: no.

do you "SMOKE":: no? 

do you sing:: yes

what color underwear do you have on:: tf..

do you want to go to college:: probably not..

have you ever been in love:: yes

do you want to get married:: sure, when im ready

do you believe in yourself:: hell no

do you believe in others:: yes.

do you like thunderstorms:: fuck no

do you play an instrument:: want to, but no.

what do you want to be when you grow up:: some fuck ass rockstar prob

what country would you like to visit:: germany<33

how many CD's do you own:: i think 4 right now

how many DVD's do you own:: jesus, many

how many tattoo's do you have:: zero

how many piercings do you have:: too many

how many things in the past do you regret:: a LOT


shoes:: my tennis shoes??

radio station:: lithium 

drink:: mountain dew<333

car:: i dont know

place:: my room...

song:: theres too many

movie:: i dont know😭

moment:: i cant remember any...

color:: blue

meal:: er.. i dont know


favorite eye color:: i dont care, preferably not blue eyes...

favorite hair color:: any

short or long hair:: short pls😭

height:: doesnt matter

body type:: doesnt matter

does ethnicity matter:: hell no

piercings:: sure

tattoos:: er, sure


do you think you are attractive:: fuck no

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: uh... yes

would you like to be someones fantasy:: yes

hunter or hunted:: tf..

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed??

a little or a lot of tongue:: tf...

older or younger:: i.

lights on/lights off or candle light:: i dont know??

do you like to cuddle after:: er.. no

do you like to cuddle in general:: no.


what is todays date:: 5/25/24

what time is it:: 12:33 pm

who are you thinking of:: green day probably...

what are you listening to:: nothing currently

do you love someone:: yes

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: STOP WTH THE MECHANICAL BULLS

does someone love you:: yes<33

is it raining:: no

how many myspace friends do you have:: heyspace, but i think 30

are you happy:: fuck no


Full Name?: brylee, im not telling you my last name creep....

Age?: 14

Birthday?: july 12

Zodiac Sign?: cancer

Religion?: lutheran

Hometown?: not telling you<33

Current Location?: no.

Current School?: no.

Brothers and Sisters?: 1 brother and sister.

Pets?: 5...

Describe Yourself in 3 Words..: weird ass motherfucker

How Old do you act?: 7..

Do You...

Go to Church?: used to

Care what people think of you?: yes

Have any Regrets?: many

Have a Dark Secret?: no..

Believe in Fate?: er.. sure

Have a Crush on Someone?: yes

Who is...

Your Hero?: bj and mike<3

Your Most Hated Person in the world?: kinda political so dont come after me but trump.

Your Best friend?: lina<3

The last person you yelled at?: dunno

The celeb everyone compares you to?: no one

Your Loudest Friend?: lena<33

Your Shyest Friend?: violet<3

Your Funniest Friend?: cate<3

Your Most Annoying Friend?: sophia..

Your Laziest Friend?: ME

In Your Top 5?: er..


Have You Done Today?: nothing

Is the weather Like Outside?: cloudy

Time did you go to bed last night?: 11pm i think

Time did you get up today?: around 8am

Time is it right now?: 12:37pm currently of doing this one

Are your first thoughts waking up?: nothing

Do you smell of right now?: nothing??

Are your favorite things to do?: SLEEP😍

Is your biggest weakness?: beds

Is your biggest fear?: butterflies. we went over this already

Mood are you in?: im depressed

Will you do after this?: sleep<33

When's the last time...

You played truth or dare?: 6th grade

What's the worst you had to do?: i dont know

You Played Spin the bottle?: 7th

With Who?: er..

You went on holiday? Where to?: last year, to Missouri 

You ate a piece of fruit?: yesterday

You drank alcohol?: im 14.

And the Last...

Thing you ate?: chicken

Thing you said?: "penis" to my sister💔💔

Person you spoke to?: my sister

Stranger you met? Where?: er..

Place you went?: my kitchen??

Thing you bought?: i cant remember

Person you talked to on the phone?: my friend

Person you hugged?: my parents

Person you kissed?: my bf<3

Time you had sex?: what.

Game you played?: roblox...

Person who annoyed you?: sophia

Party you went to?: im not social

Song you listened to?: i cant remember

TV show you watched?: supernatural

Movie you watched?: dunno man

Sport you played?: er.. soccer i think

Magazine you read?: i dont read

Relationship you were in?: im in one

Have you ever...

Danced barefoot in the rain?: nah tf

Cried for no reason?: yes💔💔

Laughed so hard you cried?: yes

Done drugs? If so, What?: im 14.

Smoked?: im a minor

Drunk so much you passed out?: minor

Sat on your rooftop?: i dont do that, id be scared shitless

Cried over a movie?: yes<33

Been in an auto accident?: what

Been to hospital?: yes

Met a Celebrity?: I WISH

Kissed someone of the same sex?: yes

Ran away from home?: no

Lied to Someone?: yes

Been Lied to?: yes

Broke a bone?: no

Cried yourself to sleep?: YES💔


Have you ever Been in love?: yes

Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes

Ever broken a heart?: no

Have you ever been cheated on?: no

Have you ever had a threesome?: what.

Are you dating someone?: yes

Do you love them?: very

Whats your longest ever relationship?: the one im in

Do you believe in love at first sight?: er.. sure

Do you like to cuddle after?: i.

Trimmed, shaved or wild?: WHAT.

A little or a lot of tongue?: ...

Does sex = love to you?: .......

In the opposite sex...

Hair color?: any

Height?: any 

Weight?: dont care

Biggest turn off?: i dont know yet

Biggest turn on?: er...

Short or long hair?: short please😍

Older or younger?: younger?? same age as me please??

What is your favorite

Movie?: dont have one

TV Show?: supernatural

Color?: blue

Food?: dunno

Ice cream?: cookies and cream

Alcoholic drink?: no.

Non-alcoholic drink?: MOUNTAIN DEW😍😍


Fast food joint?: culvers

Animal?: cats

Sport?: archery?

Sports team?: none

Place to be?: dunno

Place to visit?: dunno

Place to chill out?: my room

Actor?: er..

Actress?: er..

Restaurant?: olive garden<33

Quote?: "double tap that ass" - bja

Subject?: ela

Season of the year?: FALL MY LOVE😍😍

This or That?

Showers or baths?: shower

Kiss or hug?: hug

McDonalds or Burger King?: none wtf

Day or Night?: night

Too cold or too hot?: neither

Friends or Family?: family comes first🗿

Personality or Looks?: none

Finish this sentence...

Lets talk about..: er.....

How are..: you so annoying

Why..: do you look like that..

I am..: a penis

Crazy Lil..: mf

Get..: outta here


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