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Category: Blogging

Silly School Rant :3

YESTERDAY I had a show at school for wtv reason and it sucked booty dude. Like, it wasn't even mediocre it was straight crap. ALSO this guy has a crush on me but I don't necessarily like guys.. or him o(TヘTo)

I have no clue how to talk to him about it.. We're friends and we're trying to get to know each other better(not a talking stage i hate those) but i talked to one of my friends and he was like "Oh yeah he definitely still likes you"... IDK 

I don't want to hurt his feelings but I simply don't reciprocate. Also i'm an actual loser who etas lunch in the bathroom so we're not the best match whatsoever. WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON! i am also not in the best mental space atm (¬_¬;)

Hopefully he gets the hint, he's very sweet but I just don't like him back and idk what to do

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