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Category: Blogging


I haven't written posts here for a long time. During the time that I did not write here, a lot happened related to my studies. Now I feel that I am more prepared for future difficulties than before. In many ways, the music I listen to always helps me. It helps me take my mind off what is happening around me and focus on myself, which I have been lacking in recent days.

Soon I will begin consultations on the subjects that I will take from the first to the seventh of June. Most likely at this time I will not be able to use not only Spacehay, but also other messengers. 

And I have one more question: is it possible to publish your photos here? Since I’m a noob and don’t really sit here, I don’t know how everything works here.I would still like to publish photos from my personal life here, or share other pics even if no one sees it.Thanks.

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