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Category: Blogging

if you ever need help

oh hey, i suppose this post should've been made long time ago, but my recent research grumble bulletin gave me a great idea.

if you ever find yourself interested in the topics that are located in my general:\history and general research, don't be afraid to ask me stuff about them! i could give you book recommendations or, if your question is more specific, e.g. "why did X do Y in the year of XYZ", a detailed answer, providing my sources. if you'd need a link to the source, i could also try and get it for you so you could read it by yourself. in that case just specify your needs and wishes. being able to share my knowledge with someone turned out to be a somewhat therapeutic experience for me, and it allows me to shift my focus from weird thoughts and anxiety to something i love.

you can ask me... anywhere, from the instant messages to the comments under my posts/bulletins/page.

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