Well, hello there, internet. The name's Dale, and as the subject suggests, this is my first ever blog on here! I figured I needed some sort of outlet or opening in order to feel better, and my lonely ass figured, "Hey!! I liked MySpace, let's try HeySace and see if it's any good!" And so far, I can't really say anything's been disappointing. That's a compliment, by the way. Just to clarify. But, I'm going off topic, so let's get back on track, hey? Basically, I like all things old-school or, I suppose, retro, so this place is least to say aesthetically pleasing. AGH!!! Off-track statement! Anywho, life hasn't been nice to lil' old me lately, so hopping on here seemed to be my best bet. I'm supposing, or at least hoping, I can find some buddies who relate, understand, or at least comprehend my bs. Another thing, I am a YAPPER. LIKE IT'S SO BAD.. I could yap all day I'm not kidding(/srs). But yeah!! It's about 21:55 now, so I'm headed to bed. Goodnight, internet people in my phone!! - With love, Dale
First Blog Evur!!!!
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