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༺ ♱ my take on andrew kreiss! ♱ ༻

my take on Andrew!

disclaimer: everything stated here is not canon nor do i claim it to be. it's just my interpretation, so if you hate it or don't agree please just keep scrolling, thanks!

When Andrew arrives to the manor he is in his late 20s, around 28-29. He's also a German (maybe mixed) man.

Timeline: Andrew lost his mother at around 16-17, he survived by doing odd jobs, until he heard about Laz cemetery. There, he became obsessed with the idea of afterlife & heaven. He was ready to sacrifice everything to get there, until he crossed the line and had to leave. He moved to the manor, becoming one of the manor's staff.

Appearance + body: He is around 6'1". He's, obviously, albino. His hair is completely white, his skin is kind of a reddish-pink due to occasional exposure to sun, very rough on his hands, face, neck and other parts of his body that received repeated sunburns. He is covered in scars. He also has stretch marks, because of a sudden and intense grow spurt he went through as a teen, mainly on his back. His nose was hooked naturally, but due to lots of beating he received from being bullied, it's also kind of crooked. He has trouble breathing and usually breathes through mouth. Since he moved to the manor and had access to more food, he doesn't appear skinny, although still slim. He is physically strong due to extreme amounts of labor, but that also messed his health quite a bit. He struggles with neck, shoulder and back pains. He tries to take as little space as possible with his frame, so he hunches a lot. He covers his eye due to hypertrophy. His eyesight is terrible. I also hc him as autistic! Not sure if it is canon, tho.

Character: My most controversial take - Andrew is not religious. At least, not in a mainstream way. He has his own distorted view of religion, where he can lie, rob graves and still go to heaven just because he had enough money to have his grave at the right place. All Andrew knows about faith is superstitious. He just wants a nice, normal life, normal conditions, not to survive but to live. That's what is Heaven to him, and that's why he craves it. Not because he is a God-fearing man.

He is careful around other people, he is a people pleaser for anyone who takes interest in him, although it's enough to say or do 1 wrong thing for Andrew to abandon the relationship completely. He hates when people try to ask something personal, when they try to bond with him in a meaningful way because it feels like a carefully laid trap. The saddest thing is - he is sentimental to his core. He wants to have intimacy with people (I'm not talking about sexual intimacy here), he wants to be close, but he can't. He is very quick to judge other people, and he kinda hates himself for it, because he is constantly judged too. But judging people only by superficial traits helped him survive as an orphaned teen, so he can't just abandon this habit. He is foul-mouthed, he doesn't seem to control it and is deep down embarrassed about the way he talks, when he talks at all. He thinks of science as something dirty, only crazy people participate in, because his only exposure to it was through grave robbery. He is greedy (at least that's what he thinks). When he got to manor, a place of abundance of food, free space (a room of his own!) and comfort, he felt guilty for constantly taking. He takes a lot, he takes too much, he needs to repay everything tenfold to be forgiven, to be permitted to stay a bit longer. He cleans in community rooms like library, he overworks himself, he tries so hard to be useful. He doesn't want to leave manor. Ever.

Some random hcs:

  • Although Andrew didn't finish even his basic school education, he is interested in learning and by staying in manor he learns a lot. Baking, gardening, reading and writing properly.
  • He enjoys literature, although he prefers when someone else reads to him, so he doesn't have to hurt his eyes.
  • Andrew enjoys being at the garden, and he enjoys spending time with Emma because she never asks him anything personal and always have interesting stories to tell.

2 Kudos


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