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Category: Friends

Blocking people

I don't really understand people who get mad at others when they say they like blocking people. Like the internet is your own experience so you should be able to cater it to your liking. Plus blocking doesn't send a bomb to your house so I don't get what the fuss is. 

I feel like life gets mildly easier when you block the people that stress you out. Obviously there's nuance to this because there's some people that just block long time friends* for seemingly no reason but I'm mainly just talking about people you don't know online who post content you find annoying or weird. Like I understand that it can be really upsetting because, from your perspective, you haven't done anything wrong. It's also just normal human  behaviour to want to explain yourself or understand why things happen. 

*I've blocked someone like that before and I didn't say anything beforehand because they were an asshole. They would constantly ghost me and flake out of plans. Even though looking back, I feel like I was too excited to be friends with them so I would msg them frequently but a little bit of communication would've been nice? Like a 'hey I would appreciate if you didn't msg me so often'. Ofc I did ask them if they wanted me to lay off and every time they said that I was fine and that they didn't find me annoying so I'm gonna believe them?? I ended up blocking them after my bf died bc they flaked out of hanging out again even though they knew that my bf passed and I was already feeling super shitty. Plus they didn't even message me being like 'sorry I couldn't make it' or whatever, they just forgot about it. So yeah, they got blocked :P Sometimes I'm still sad about it though because it wasn't really fair to be treated like that. Plus it genuinely did change how I interacted with people onward?? Like I actually started getting anxiety attacks if someone left me on read for hours to days because it would remind me of that person and I was super afraid that the cycle was repeating. I've kinda overcome it now and I don't get the really big anxiety attacks now, it's just a slight feeling of 'oh I hope they don't hate me' but that's way better than what it was before. 

I just blocked them because I knew it would make me upset if I ever saw anything they did yk? Like I wanted them out of sight, out of mind. Maybe one day, when I'm back to how I used to be before meeting them, I'll unblock but that seems unlikely. There's no reason to unblock them yk? There's no reason to force myself to be exposed to them. 

Anyways that's my whole talk about blocking people. 

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ooszy's profile picture

I'm also of the mindset that you should just block people that disturb your peace. It's completely different when block/ghost friends, I agree! But the people who get upset over people that block for their own comfort are weird..

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Exactly!! Like why should I come online during time where I'm meant to be resting just to stress myself out with people online? Like it can be so easily avoided by blocking them

by RITZ!!; ; Report