Yes, that's right. As of the time you're reading this blog post, I have officially graduated from high school. It feels weird knowing that I am no longer a part of the k-12 system anymore, but alas, it's finally time for me to move on into college and beyond.
I've successfully completed my 13 years of mandatory schooling (plus 2 years of preschool before that) and I have chosen to attend a community college before transferring to a 4 year college. Although many of my senior friends from school are going off to different colleges around the country and am leaving my underclassmen friends behind, I still have the contact numbers of many of them and definitely plan on meeting new people in college (and hopefully start dating, particularly since I'll be turning 18 and will be a consenting adult in August of this year a few weeks before I start college).
And whether you like it or not, high school never ends (at least not socially), which is exactly why I have Bowling For Soup's 2006 song "High School Never Ends" playing here. I've come to the conclusion that high school is merely just a small taste of what to expect out in the real world between people mindlessly chasing all the latest trends (without question) or getting all excited over a bunch of talentless losers (like stupid Taylor Swift or the stupid Kardashians) attention whoring their way into the public spotlight all the fucking time (instead of people who actually have talent and deserve recognition for their works).
But yeah, congratulations to the class of 2024 for finally completing the journey from preschool or kindergarten up until our graduation from high school and finally earning our diplomas. :)
And speaking of diplomas, I know I was supposed to pick mine up yesterday, though because I'm sick, I decided to stay home yesterday and plan to pick that up once school starts again in August (as well as my transcripts). I made sure to return everything and get everyone to sign off on my senior checkout form (as well as getting that stupid senior portfolio completed), so yeah.
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