One piece and its wierd choices on female oufits.

(What I'm about to talk about here is just an opinion on outfit designs, not going to body types and the representation of them inside OP, anyways thus is written as kind of a rant, MY FIRST LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH)

I mean, inside One Piece, Oda has implemented to some degree a very well magnitude and importance to the female characters, that flows well within the story that he is trying to share, and comparing it to other series that aired at the same time as OP, it had way more representation and less "damsels in distress" or "Hey mc save you obvious romantic interest, I'm weak and dumb but oh look I'm cutesy and dorky".

One Piece knows how to put a good magnitude of importance on all of its characters and even include their own special moments that make the plot move forward. BUT WHY ARE THE CHARACTER DESIGNS FOR WOMEN SO WEIRD AND SEXUALIZED 😭😭😭

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against characters having a little amount of clothing throughout a series or a manga, if it's actually relevant to the story and plays an important part for the character, the plot, and its development of both, then I have little to no problem with it, but I mean have ya'll (I'm writing as if I speaking lol) seen the sixteen y/o character, that supposedly is using an "armor". But it's not even armor it's like a bikini kind of thing that only covers in metal the vulnerable parts of the body, and she is supposed to fight with that inside the arena 💀??? That doesn't make fucking sense. So yes OP is a very good show, the narrative and its character writing are excellent, but please the designs are just getting worse. 😭

3 Kudos



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