jetboymachine's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

fun facts about me

-i'm canadian

-i was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 4, autism at 6

-my first special interest was owls

-i'm objectum and i have a gay crush on the large hadron collider. fighter jets get me blushing and giggling and kicking my feet too Don't judge

-favourite half-life game is the opposing force expansion pack

-my favourite food is poutine. if you want to get me to do Anything just bribe me with poutine

-i have hugged a turkey before. his name was sammy and he was at a rescue petting zoo

-i enjoy my popcorn with copious amounts of butter

-i wear baseball caps whenever i go out, usually backwards

-my favourite element is uranium

-my real name is ryan :P

Currently listening to: KMFDM - WWIII

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Rusty's profile picture

bro whatt youre so cool??! uranium is one of my favs too ^_^

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also good music taste

by Rusty; ; Report