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Category: Life

Verified! :D

Well...I never thought I'd see the day where one of my more "mainstream" social media pages would become verified, but here we are!!!

An (the creator of SpaceHey) sent me an email tonight, notifying me of the famed blue checkmark! Haha. I am a happy bean. I have been on the internet since the original MySpace was a thing, and to sort of see it come full circle with verification on SpaceHey is actually kind of incredible for nostalgic reasons. :) 

SpaceHey Verification

I have been taking a break from photography. A lot of the current algorithms require a constant stream of posting, whether that's content posts, story posts, comments or likes/saves, and photographers, like any artist, are not machines. I haven't been in a place where I can constantly produce work. I am hoping that I will be able to provide brand new content in 2022, but that will come when it can. 

In the meantime, I am enjoying not stressing about the need for posting, and am trying to get some of my TBR (to be read) pile, as I haven't read a book, for pleasure, in almost a decade. (Which, in itself, is a crime. Lol.) I hope everyone has been doing well! 

If you do read this, and feel like engaging, I'd love to know where you're from and if you have any books you really want to read! :) 

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Sai Divine💖👾

Sai Divine💖👾's profile picture

Hey! I rly love your page layout:) I’m from NYC, and there haven’t really been any books I want to read. I’m always so busy and never have time to read like I used to as a kid

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Thank you! I actually *just* finished redoing it! Literally spent the past 5.5 hours reworking code. I haven't done that in ages! I love NYC - haven't been there in awhile though.

If you had the time to read, do you have any books that you're interested in?

by Josefina ; ; Report

Dang I wish I had that skill lol, you did great work!! And yes I love NYC too, I want to leave one day but can’t bring myself to do it lol.

Don’t judge me, but I’m a Twi-Hard lol. I haven’t had time to read the two latest releases. midnight Sun(which is just twilight from Edwards perspective) and then the gender bent version of twilight . I also wanted to read the Harry Potter series but it’s so intimidating lol

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

Haha, thank you! I'm shocked that I remembered how to do things, it's been soooo long. NYC is a beautiful place though, so much life in one space. But yes, traveling is good too.

Haha I haven't read any of the new Twilight books either! Though those would be very far down on my TBR list, seeing as I have whole series stacked waiting for me. Heh. I would love to read Harry Potter too, on my own. I vaguely remember having some of it read to me when I was in first or second grade, but I remember nothing of the actual books. My friend is currently working her way through that series right now, actually! She told me I need to get to it! Haha. You definitely should try to read if you get the time. Or if you do well with audio/listening, get the free trial of audible and get some reads in!

by Josefina ; ; Report

Oh yea, I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies but being a book lover, I know the books will be much better! Plus it would be a good way to reconnect with childhood:) I was never into Harry Potter but then I remembered that Robert Pattinson was in one of the movies and I decided to watch lol. I even visited the Harry Potter spot in the Universal Theme park! It was amazing but the wands were over priced LOL. Thankfully we have our very own Harry Potter store in NYC now and they have better wands and even serve butter beer :D
But yes you’re sooo right about reading more. I need to hop back on that horse, it’s good for the brain

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

I've been the Universal one too! I loved Butter Beer and could absolutely use some more of that in my life! Hahaha. I also got to see Platform 9 3/4 when I was in London a few years ago! And that was crazy - the store they have there is something else. Maaaaaan. I completely forgot that Robert Pattinson was in Harry Potter! The fourth movie!!

Yes, if you get to reading/listening, let me know what you choose. I just started "Shadow & Bone" by Leigh Bardugo!

by Josefina ; ; Report

Woww I’ve always wanted to go to London! They always have the coolest stuff in the UK, like Robert Pattinson LOL And speaking of him I’m definitely gonna watch the new Batman movie just for him haha.

Ooh that sounds like an awesome book! Very mysterious title. I love fantasy type books! You’ll be the first to know when I pick up a book! Thanks for inspiring me to read again!

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

A part of me wishes I had stayed a little longer in London to properly explore, but it just wasn't the time to do that, then. Ah, well.

I may also watch the new Batman movie...I am curious to see how he plays it. I've seen several various Batman movies over the years, so I kinda want to compare.

The "Shadow & Bone" Trilogy has been blowing up across the internet. Leigh Bardugo has been a busy woman, as there are six books (in total) if you follow the series and worlds in their entirety, and thanks to BookTok, they just blew up. She released her latest, this year, as it's the only one still in Hardback.

Another set that sounds really promising, is a duology that dropped this week. It's by Chloe Gong (who was still actively in college when she wrote these!) called "These Violent Delights" and "These Violent Ends". They have been HIGHLY anticipated on both BookTok and Bookstagram, and they're actually not badly priced for both still being hardcovers. Definitely looking to getting those soon!

by Josefina ; ; Report

dang youre making me jealous of my past self who actually had time to read lol! i loveee reading but time goes by so fast in NYC. i truly believe theres a time vortex here haha. and ive seen the patrick bateman batman movies but thruthfully.. i hate batman as a hero.. hes the worst. i think the Marvel equivalent would be like tony stark or something. but ill watch batman for rob lol.
also those books sound so intriging already!! tiktok never disappoints so i know those will be exceptional. have fun reading them:)

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

I could agree with you there. NYC is *very fast paced*. When I was there to sing, we often had 4 hour rehearsals, and I swear those times just FLEW right by. Anywhere else, four hours is either four hours or drags on. In NYC, 4 hours who? LOL.

I too, am also not a fan of Batman, as a hero. But I still want to see how he plays it. Since it is a storyline I'm more familiar with (I'm trying to work my way through the Marvel movies - I've never seen them all!)

Tiktok's book recommendations all seem to be fire, so I'm definitely looking forward to these! Hopefully you can find some time to read, or at least listen, to some books!

by Josefina ; ; Report

yess i totally agree about batman haha, and omg i didnt know you sang!! how cool, im also a musician. btw im totally off topic haha congrats on your verification!! it was soo nice talking to you! this was my 1st interaction on this site and you are so warm and welcoming!! thank you so much:)

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

I do! I have both classical and broadway training, and sang at both Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall with my choir! :D It's been so long since I've performed though. The last two years haven't exactly made room for performing.

Thank you! I was super excited to receive it. It's such a full circle moment for me. Haha. I try to be friendly to everyone, so I'm glad you feel welcomed! :D And also, welcome to SpaceHey!

by Josefina ; ; Report

omg thats wild speaking of full circle i pass by Carnegie hall like everyday!! I've never been inside b4 haha. thank you again! happy to have a new friend :)

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report

Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous inside! Red seats, carpet, gold and white trim, one of the most beautiful stages you'll see too. I cried there like I did at Lincoln Center, because I couldn't believe my little self was singing in those two places. Haha.

Yes, friends are always wonderfully welcomed :D

by Josefina ; ; Report

As a New York native, I’d like to say we never really see our own tourist attractions sadly haha. I was close the Statue of Liberty once on a boat party and I’ve passed the Empire State Building a few times while shopping, but that’s as far as the list goes for me admittedly I need to get out more haha

by Sai Divine💖👾; ; Report