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Category: Life

Yarii0's Yap Session #4

Yap Sessio#4

Yarii0's Yap Session - Life Spam :3

Wow! I'm a little late for this next blog, sorry! Things got a tad bit hectic the last two days... And I'm here to talk about! 

Unfortunately, I don't have more to talk about M&N at the moment, but I did get the request to doodle him!, so check this out here! vv 

Not the best! But I did try my best :DD (He's really tall, and his physique is surprisingly muscular :O)

His hair has been growing recently and I'm not sure if it'll grow out any more, but if it does, I'm not a hater ;3...


Anyways! I promise you, my interest in him might soon deplete as said before, I'm not looking for anything (UNLESS... a miracle happens and he somehow has interest in me... (;° ロ°) ) 

But to talk about what happened these past few days was... interesting.. I feel like things got even more crazier ever since I started posting blogs on this website..!

So I'd say 2 days ago, I was casually talking on the phone with my friends, playing games and such. When all of a sudden my mom calls me in distress to come down and help her with something (I live in an apartment complex so I "technically" live on higher ground) I assumed she needed help with groceries or she was just tired but once I got down, the scene that I encountered shocked me entirely...

I notice her talking to 2 of our other neighbors who seemed confused and possibly scared and my mom in absolute shock. I'm confused but I kind of smile and walk over to her to see what's wrong. Then I turn my head to my left and find an UNCONSCIOUS LADY ON THE SIDE WALK................. ╭(* _ *)╮.

My smile shot STRAIIIGHT down. My stomach started feeling sick and GOODNESS my fight or flight came in so fast. I turn to my mom and the two guys then my mom spoke. She's not from this country so her first language isn't proper English so she asked me to call the police and tell them what's going on. The lady on the phone told me to get closer and check her condition like "is she breathing?" or "is she awake?" and I answer what I could see.

LITERALLY described everything I could like "OH-OH She's MOVING?! uhhh..." Or when she started to open her eyes. She seemed really young possibly in her late 20s maybe early 30s. And when she spoke, she had a slight accent but that might have to do with her slurring (she seemed under the influence when she was half-awake. But it might've been straight confusion...) 

It didn't take long for the police to arrive and they handled the issue calmly, like asking her to sit up or asking for assistance and then my mom got questioned because she was the first to witness it. BLAH blah blah.. ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

She did mention something about her husband so I assume she had a feud with him because after they put her in the ambulance truck, her husband came back to talk to the police officer... Which seemed a little suspicious because he was straight up barefoot... But who knows! I just hope she recovers safely without a problem and all her issues are resolved with kindness!! (・ω・)b


On the same day, I snuck out that night. My mom works night shifts and doesn't come home until early mornings. (My dad isn't in the picture, he past away YYEEAAARRRS ago, so don't worry! I'm all good :)) And my only sibling finally fricken moved out. (FINALLY PEAAACCEEE ╰ (´꒳`) ╯)

My friend was doing a sleepover that night and I didn't get the chance to ask if I could hangout with them so instead I waited until midnight to go and hangout with them. It was very fun, obviously breaking my moral compass and my judgement being changed affected me terrifyingly BUT nothing bad happened! Mind you, that's the second time within the same month did I sneak out :DD..


I think that's all the stories I have for the past few days, nothing entertaining happened yesterday besides going on a shopping trip with my friend! 

Cya then! ^^


- yarii0

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