lilya 𝜗𝜚's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


I am 47% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

this one is kinda long


Name: Lilya

Nickname(s): Lily/Li

Age: 16

Birthday: May 21st

Birthplace: 🤫

Current Location: Room

Eye Color: Brown 

Hair Color: Dyed red 

Height: 5'8

Lefty or Righty: Both

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

What Do You Drive: No license until june💔


Color: Pink, red, black, purple 

Band: t.A.T.u, shrouds, skinless 

Music Genre: Post punk and black metal 

TV Show: Wentworth 

Movie: Trainspotting 

Actor: None 

Actress: Natasha Lyonne

Kind of Movie: Horror, historical, psychological horror 

Cartoon: Johnny Test

Fast Food Restaurant: None

Food: Grapes

Ice Cream: Mint

Cereal: Fruit loops

Candy: Gummy bears 

Drink: Ginger ale

{---Do You---}

Have any siblings: Yes

Have any pets: Yes

Have a job: Not anymore 💔

Have a cellphone: Yes

Have any special talents or skills: Art and writing 

Have any fears: Pants falling down

Have a bedtime: No

Want to go to college: Trade school

Get along with your parents: I don't know

Have any piercings: 9

Have any tattoos: 2 stick n pokes

Smoke: No

Drink: Not often

Do Drugs: No

{---Love & All That Crap---}

Ever been in love: No

Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No

Are you single: Yes

Do you have a crush on someone: Yes

Ever been dumped: No

Ever dumped someone: No

{---This or That---}

Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit

Black or White: Black 

Lights On or Lights Off: Off

TV or Movie: Movies

Car or Truck: Truck 

Cash or Check: Cash

Rock or Rap: Both

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate 

French Toast or French Fries: Fries

Strawberries or Blueberries: Blueberries

Cookies or Muffins: Cookies

Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter

{---Have You Ever---}

Danced in a public place: No

Smiled for no reason: Yes

Laughed so hard you cried: Yes

Talked to someone you don't know: Yes 

Drank alcohol: Yes

Done drugs: Yes

Partied 'til the sun came up: No

Gotten a ticket: No

Been arrested: No

Been convicted of a crime: No

Been in a wreck: No

Been out of the country: Yes

{---Random & Silly Junk---}

Ever TP'd someone's house: No

Ever egged someone's house: No

How many languages do you speak: Speak 2, can write in 3

Ever regret anything: Obviously 

Do you like being tickled: Depends 

What are your goals: 🤫

Are your fingers tired: No

Take this survey ->

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