Hi!!!! :D
I'm Rat, and I will teach you how to win Fortnite:
Before we begin:
Fortnite matches can usually be broken up into 4 stages: First drop, Mid-game, End game, and Final game. A typical match will last you ~15 minutes. If you're new to Fortnite (or inactive), you'll be placed into a bot lobby as means of gauging your skill level. Playing a few games will put you in the normal leagues, which is what I'm here to talk about. This tutorial is on how to win, not how to play; I won't be teaching you how the game works or what weapons do. Watch a youtube vid.
With that being said: Let's drop in.
Stage 1: The First Drop
One of the first things you wanna do when landing is find. a good. building. to. drop on top of. I can't stress this enough! One of the first things that'll determine if you're gonna make it out of Lazy Lake (or any other POI) with good loot or not is the drop-spot itself. Typically you want to go for the top of structures, regardless of how contested they are, or near a vehicle. If the situation is in your favor, go for the biggest structure. Get ANY WEAPON YOU CAN. Don't ignore that grey pistol while the Naruto skin above you has a lever action. Take anything you can, cuz that pickaxe aint doin shit.
Don't worry about harvesting mats yet, just get it from people you kill and chests. Obv you should break small furniture and bushes but it's not over yet.
Get a car as fast as you can (hopefully an IO car or whiplash) and either pave every other fucking loser in the server or dive up to them and hop out. If a windshield bursts or the vehicles is sub-300 health, dip.
**NOTE** As a general rule of thumb, getting kills in the early game is a deciding factor if you make it. As nice as that end-of-the-bus drop may be, your guard is significantly lowered through your pacifism
~~~END OF PART 1~~~
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