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Category: Blogging

CRT Monitor

odd blog here but im considering using this crt monitor i have as my main pc monitor, although i cant see the text for shit.

ill find a way to fix that problem though, one way or another its fine.

idk though just a thought!!

2 Kudos


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MetalHeart's profile picture

Cool!! I really want one too

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i suggest checking alot of thrift stores for them if possible then! ofcourse there are plenty online but its hard to find one worth the price. honestly the best price range i think of online for looking for one is 100-300 dollars. 500 if thats okay too, but i wouldnt recommend it. it takes an absurd amount of patience to find a good deal for these things, but i think its worth it!!!

by vinney; ; Report

Oh yeah there are a lot I see in thrift stores, I just don't have the money (Even though a few are just for just 20 dollars)

by MetalHeart; ; Report