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Category: Life

I don't really like how hikikomori/neet life is considered as a aesthetic

I mean look I ain't one but I just don't feel like it's right that it's treated like an aesthetic there are ppl who don't want to live that way and they're struggling I just find it disgusting tbh that ppl are treating it like it's smth "cool" 

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MetalHeart's profile picture


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cl0wn's profile picture

Might just be my age showing but I feel that the obsession over aesthetics and vibes is generally a bit silly. I'm all for people enjoying the things they enjoy (yaknow, as long as no harm is being done why not let folks enjoy themselves) but there are things that while important to acknowledge and not make a taboo out of should really not be idealized.

Some years ago there was this trend, kinda, among tumblr users especially (not exclusively, but at the time certainly it was the most visible place where it was at least somewhat frequent) to kinda glorify various sorts of mental illnesses, selfharm, etc. It became almost popular to self diagnose with things like clinical depression, autism, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, all kinds of stuff. It became almost like a status symbol, something to brag about and the more you could claim to have the more clout it gave you.

Now a lot of those people were young, immature and maybe not sure how to deal with those issues (assuming they werent simply making it up, which unfortunately some people did) and having a place where it felt safe and even accepted to talk about that stuff was likely encouraging. In the long run I think it did play a part in making talking about such things less taboo but there were also cases of serious harm being done to people. You dont have to look far into those youtube channels for example that like to focus on old tumblr drama to find such cases.

I guess my point is that I'm wary of such things and something like calling hikkikomori an aesthetic or vibe really does remind me of those things, it is not really something you should aspire to or want to embody. The people it actually affects are often suffering greatly because of it and other people trying to glorify it is frankly more then a bit sickening.

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reminds me of this video essay I watched about ed culture where the creator detailed how young women in the 19th century? I think? used to want tuberculosis because the symptoms made women seem vulnerable and in need of protection. being a neet kinda seems like the depression spin on this phenomenon. there's also definitely something there with the current economic state of the U.S. at least. when the going gets tough, women are forced to sort of signal to the men that we are worth protecting, so we shrink, knowingly or unknowingly. we cover our bodies, make them smaller, lean into self destruction so we might be saved because those are the foundations our society was built on unfortunately. or something idk.

by funnycoolgrl18; ; Report


gloomy's profile picture

idk exactly what hikikomori is, is it just extreme depression?

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