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Category: Life


Since I'm over 18 and according to the law I'm an adult, that means I have to be an adult If I want to or not. I have to vote, pay bills, buy things I need, and the list goes on, but aside from boring adulting, I can do fun things. I can buy myself a whole new wardrobe, buy all the baby animals I want, I can adopt a 17-year-old if I want to, but then I remember that I can't. Why? I have to pay bills, buy things I actually need to survive, I have to have money for that, which means I have to think smart with my money and not waste it. I have to be responsible and actually use my brain. Being an adult actually means taking care of yourself, taking care of your needs, making sure you make good choices in life, just basically making sure you don't die or end up on the street. You're actually just taking care of a child, but the child is you, but you're an adult, so you take care of the adult-child you. Sometimes it's hard to take care of adult-child you, so you sometimes need supervision aka babysitter because you don't trust yourself enough to do something without having someone with you, someone who can guide you or just fail as much as you do. Adulting is weird and definitly not for the weak.

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