How to Make Garlic Bread: The Best Easy Comfort Food

I had a kinda hankerin for garlic bread the other day, so I figured I'd give it a try cooking it. I forgot just how slutty and delicious garlic bread can be I was shook, its very easy and inexpensive to make and doesn't take much. I used a mortar and pestle, they are relatively inexpensive but there are alternatives to grinding up garlic if you don't have one. So here you go.


Baguette ($1.00)

1.5 sticks of butter (~$4.00 for a pack of 4)

Garlic bulb($.73)

parsley ($1.13)

First, take your butter out and put it in a bowl to let it soften up. Cut it up into smaller pieces to speed up this process.

Next, preheat your oven to 350.

Begin mincing your garlic. I smash mine with the blade, then slice them up and put into the mortar. This doesn't have to be perfect, as you are going to grind it all up shortly. I would prep about 1.5 generous tbsp of minced garlic, more if you are a professional garlic lover. 

Grind up the garlic with the pestle. It will take a few minutes, but trust the process. Grind until the air smells like garlic and the garlic turns translucent and juicy. Grind into a garlic mush. 

Go get your butter. Use a fork to mash what's in the bowl. This next part is really important because you do not want to burn the butter. Put the bowl of butter in the microwave for 7 seconds, take it out, and mix. Put it in for 7 more seconds, take it out and mix thoroughly. After the first two rounds, lower it to 5 seconds and do 5 second rounds, stirring thoroughly between rounds. When the butter starts turning into a darker yellow liquid, start microwaving it for 4/3 seconds at a time. Continue to mix thoroughly each time you take it out. When the whole bowl is thin, liquid butter, put all your minced garlic in and stir. You may microwave it for like 3 seconds if you rlly want to infuse the garlic flavour, but you don't have to. Take the cap of your parsley and put in about a tbsp. Stir. 

Get your pan ready! Foil it and spray it. You don't want your bread sticking to the foil. 

With your bread knife, cut the butts of the baguette off (you can snack on these while it cooks). I cut the pieces about 1 to 1.5 inches thick. You can go thinner or thicker, but this will affect the cooking time. If you cut it into 1.5 inch pieces, you should get abt 12-13 pieces. 

Dip each piece into the butter. Let it soak for a moment, take it out, and set it butter side up on the baking tray. Be careful, the butter is drippy and it is easy to make a mess. Most if not all of the butter should be gone, if you have a lot of butter left over you didn't let it soak long enough. It only needs a moment or two, but trust me when I say the butter soaking is what makes it so slutty. When every piece is dipped, use that fork you used to stir the butter to scoop some of the garlic out of the bowl and shmear it on the toast. There should be plenty for you to shmear some on every piece. The more garlic shmeared, the more garlicy it will taste. I love garlic so I go through most of mine, but use however much you please. 

Put it in the oven (middle/ top shelf) and set a timer for 20 minutes. Mine usually cook for longer, the 20 minutes is like the minimum though. Basically cook to your desired crispiness. I look for the top to start turning brown and dark crust. When the top toasts over, I take it out. I like the crust crunchy and the middle to still be a little soft. Check on it every few minutes after your timer and take it out when ready. It is easy to let it burn so DO NOT FORGET IT IN THERE.

Congratulations you have garlic bread :) 

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