Spacehey Request: More Support for Legacy Devices

[tl;dr at the bottom.]


I know damn well nobody's going to bother actually taking this seriously, but I'm James Edward, and I use Spacehey on an iBook G4. Don't believe me? Watch this.

My desktop as I write my blog post.
Almost everything I've done on Spacehey at this point and ongoing has been composed of this iBook G4 running Mac OS X 10.4.11. Obviously, I couldn't get Spacehey to run on Safari (like any normal person), but I tried.

There is one thing that has me tripping (like Amerie), and I can't fucking take it. I'm sure you're *totally* melted to your seat wondering this, so I'll just explain it in two words: Instant. Messaging.

Remember how a few sentences ago I said that "almost everything I've done on Spacehey... has been composed of this iBook G4"? Yeah, well instant messaging didn't work. At all. Every other page on this site works beautifully, as if I time travelled straight to 2006-2007 (albeit without Safari, but that's not entirely my point).

IM-ing did work, however, on the Spacehey Mobile app, and I have that on my iPhone. It's the only way I'm able to even instant message properly through Spacehey. I could just tell people to resurrect the hellscape of an app known as iChat using some AIM revival, but I don't want to have to consistently instruct people how to pull off a process like that, not because I'm a gatekeeping asshole, but because even it took me that long to get it to work, and it's not as good as I comparatively thought it would be.

But, that's not my point, again (I'm getting really off topic, aren't I?). My main point is that even though we are so callously living in the year of 2024 (where sorry Adobe Lightroom advertisement I saw 5 years ago: we *are* still using plastic straws), this website looks as 2000's as I could possibly get, so I'm surprised it also doesn't particularly function like so. Of course, updated programming and methods of coding mean that not every site will work perfectly as they would on legacy hardware, but I don't think that should be the case, even with that of revival websites.

To add the final nail to the coffin of a bag of flour and red Kool-Aid, I will show definitive proof that the IM seizures itself on my iBook G4:

TL;DR - As a nostalgia freak, I'm butthurt about the fact that a 20 year old laptop can't make a built-in messaging client based on a 20 year old website work flawlessly, and I have to stick to using modern technology to require ancient solutions.

The Guy who Typed This Shit

I know this is most likely just marketing, but does the Spacehey Mobile app genuinely work on iPhone 4's? Has anyone ever tried this shit? ...I still love it though. :P

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