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Category: Life

how to keep your eating habits healthy <3

i rlly hope it works!! if u have some opinion, pls coment here!!

1. Eat a Mix

- Variety: Fruits, veggies, proteins, carbs, and good fats.

2. Healthy Choices
- Colorful plate: More fruits and veggies.
- Lean proteins: Chicken, fish, beans.
- Whole grains: Brown rice, whole grain bread.
- Healthy fats: Avocado, olive oil, nuts.

 3. Hydrate and Cut Down
- Drink water: Lots of it.
- Less sugar and salt: Cut down on both.

 4. Portion Control and Fiber
- Don’t overeat: Watch portions.
- Eat fiber: Helps digestion, more fruits, veggies, whole grains.

5. Plan and Avoid Processed Foods
- Plan meals: Avoid last-minute bad choices.
- Fresh over processed: Stick to fresh stuff.

not less important :

- If you're struggling: Reach out to a therapist and take it at your own pace 
- Don't stress: Avoid getting too obsessed with it.

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