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Category: Life

no longer sinking

I've been pretty busy as of late, recently I've been going door-dashing with my friend to get out of the house more. it's been fun we've made it kind of a ritual to get Dunkin doughnuts before we start. we both love the jelly-filled ones yum yum. we also get coffee there. we both spend the day picking up orders and gossiping or venting about whatever while jamming to some good tunes. my only complaint is we wake up so early like 7 am, and by the time it's 11, I'm so pooped and sleepy lmao. 

OH, my sister is coming to live with us, I'm taking a trip down to Texas to help her move but also to see family. my dad is also gonna be in Texas since he's been living in Japan for like 5 or 6 years. so we are gonna celebrate his bday and Father's Day with him. I'm not really prepared for my family to comment on my appearance. they don't really keep things to themselves. I'm dreading feeling so insecure, also the heat. but hopefully, things go well. 

it's been about a month and a half since I've been medicated, my doctor said she's been seeing improvements in mood and thought. so I'm happy that it's going well. though I have to bring up some side effects I've been experiencing with her. I guess they could be kinda concerning. I kinda stopped seeing my therapist a few weeks ago and I think he got worried so he called me and I thought it was all funny. the only reason I haven't rescheduled a new appointment with him is cause of the trip. I let him know I'll reschedule after I get back. 

thank you for reading!!


2 Kudos


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