WiNTERiZER's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Where I've been

I guess I should just post a blog post on here at this point, since I haven't posted a blog post for months. I just want to explain to you all where I've been and why I haven't been online much. Not that I owe that to you, but I think it might just clear up some things, or whatever.

Okay, so, first of all, I haven't been online on social network sites much as a whole lately. I've been really busy with studying for exams and shit, and whenever I'm not busy, I usually just feel too bored or depressed to post on here. Furthermore, I don't really have much to say here. People only care about my blog posts when I post selfies, and I'm not much of a fan of bulletins. I've been blogging on DreamWidth. Same screenname, so I should be easy to find. I'd like to add people from here on DreamWidth, if you blog on there. I just think things are much chiller there.

Which leads me to my second point: SpaceHey users are fucking insufferable. I get it. Most of you are young and impulsive and opinionated, but just about every time I open this site, there is more gore or people dogpiling on all TCCers on this website. You people seriously need to grow the Hell up and just use the block button if you don't like someone, and then move on. And don't fill SpaceHey with gore or call-out posts about random drama. Get a hobby. :p

So yeah, I just wanted to complain for a bit. I don't know if you agree. I don't know if you care. I don't.

I'll still be online every now and then, and I might upload new pictures soon, because my icon is really outdated at this point, but DreamWidth is basically my main platform at this point. I also have a Neocities website, but I don't update it much because I've been so busy. But maybe soon, since Summer's coming up and I hate going out in the sunlight anyway, so I'll probably rot away in front of a screen more.

Anyway, that's all. Feel free to love or hate on this blog, or ignore it. Now you're updated. Adios.


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ego_friend's profile picture

yahh .. i dnt get why sum ppl expect sum magick force 2 eliminate evthang dey dnt agree with instead of js using free will to gnore or blockk sxome ahole . years nyears ago i got in som web beef wi smne and he said 'i cnt believe ur mad at somethingfrum da internet" n lucky me cuz woke up since den . tha internet aint real . its just like a group art project ppl take moren more serious da last fifteen or som years

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Yeah. I think it's that the thing is that a lot of SpaceHey users are still quite young, so they haven't yet reached that "fuck it" mindset. Also, drama online is so fucking common now, so it makes sense that younger netizens get into drama and fights online all the time, because THAT is the internet they grew up with. Hopefully they'll chill out more when they get older.

by WiNTERiZER; ; Report


Mar 's profile picture

hey! Cool reading one of your blogs, again. We seem to share similar opinions -- I mean, spacehey nowadays being... pretty demographically insufferable at times (a lot of the time), lol. Might check out Dreamwidth, if I decide to attempt blogging regularly. Not as many chronically online scenecore children over there, I'm guessing.

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DreamWidth is really nice. Most of the users are between the ages of 30 and 60, and they moved over from LiveJournal (the site is based on LiveJournal's source code and run by ex-LiveJournal employees). I used to use LiveJournal, but the censorship and such on that site is insane now that it's owned by a Russian company. But blogging on DreamWidth is, in my opinion, really nice. Blogging is the main focus of the site and, although a lot of people also post stories on there or roleplay, it's still a nice platform for journal-type blogging. I've honestly never seen ANY drama on DreamWidth. Probably because most people on there are older, so they care less about silly drama, plus they're from the time where people were less easily offended online, so they still have that old internet energy on there. I like SpaceHey, but the tensions on here can get WILD, so I mostly stick to DreamWidth, because it's more peaceful.

by WiNTERiZER; ; Report


Kadavera 's profile picture

Good to see you here! this is kind of a coincidence cause I was actually thinking of leaving an IM cause its been a while. I sorta forgot about dreamwidth, I lost it and the name didn't stick with me too well. checked out your blog again and it's awesome!

but anyway, it's totally understandable why you took time off. you should take all the time you need and even more. I'm glad you're doing at least somewhat okay.

and about the blogs, couldn't agree more. this site, as in 90% of users here fucking suck. I simply pretend the top blogs don't exist, all I'm here for is customising my profile and the better people that I've added!

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I've been so shit at replying to my IMs on SpaceHey because I've been hardly online, but I'll try checking in more often, so feel free to drop me a message! :]

by WiNTERiZER; ; Report

honestly don't worry bout it, as I said I understand. check in at your own pace. Will do though =)

by Kadavera; ; Report