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Category: Life


okay so, I was going to school it normally starts at 7:45 but since its finals week it started at 8:00

and also, it's the last day of finals!! yay :-D but also booo because most of my friends are leaving for the summer so we cant hang out :-(

ANYWAYS when i got onto campus there were desks and a table outside?? with a plastic model frog on the 'teacher' desk (front one where teachers normally sit) and corn everywhere. just cobs of corn everywhere??

now it was WORSE when i went inside because there was TOILET PAPER EVERYWWHERE. AND TAPE. AND CORN

other senior pranks werent like this before, or i dont know, noticeable at all

literally there was toilet paper and corn and tape even in the CLASSROOMS and most furniture (except those in classrooms) were FLIPPED UPSET DOWN!!!!!!!!! I HAD NOWHERE TO SIT AND WAIT

when my final ended it was all gone too which is kind of crazy to me because it was all around the school

1 Kudos


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