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Category: Blogging

School :((

I only have a few days left till summer, and man, I AM SO GRATEFUL!!

school is like a cage :(( I only like seeing my alien man (my companion?), Dizz!! He's weird lol

One of my teachers likes to yell at mentally disabled kids?? And deny them their accommodations? THATS ILLEGAL MISS!! I'm meant to be allowed to leave class if I ever feel the need and she yelled at me and said that I was faking!! MISS, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! the crazy part is that her husband is the sweetest man!! He teaches the special class!! I love him why did he marry that wench :(( 

But I still go because I think Dizzy needs me in order to function properly and to also not get beaten to death by straight people

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cazzstck_2014's profile picture

HOLY SHIT I FEEL LIKE THATS SO COMMON (the yelling at mentally disabled kids) AND ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!!! my brother is mentally disabled and i feel like 5/10 times I see him the workers/teachers around him are being dicks to him and the other kids and it makes me mad people like that absoutely need to get their fucking heads straight or sumthing (sorry this is random i saw ur profile i thought it was cool but im a coward to friend request and shit :333)

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