pokémon o_O

okay so i've been playing pokemon lately!!!! specifically red and heart gold :D and ive been having so much fun w bothhhh. i am not normally a liker of the games bc i find the battles and random encounters tedious ESPECIALLY if ur trying to grind for levels so having a fast forward function with emulation has been so good and i'm nearly done with em!

on red im at the cave before the elite four and my party is my venusaur CABBAGE, my fearow GAY COWBOY, my onyx STIX, my lapras POPPY, my weezing BIGMAN, and my dugtrio BIG SEX!

and on heart gold i've just unlocked the safari park and at. 6 badges? my party is my feraligatr Alitavo, my ampharos Dave, my electrode Billy, my togetic Salmon, my growlithe Uriel, and my sudowoodo Broccoli!

with playing these kinds of game series' where the installments arent exactly intertwined - dragon quest, final fantasy, might & magic, persona, etc. - i really enjoy sinking my teeth into both a select favourite and the first game in the series to see where it all started and what marked the series as something to continue, and it's always been such a delight!!!!!

but also requires guides because a lot of the time you go in blind Without the manual that guided the first generation of players for that game with really old games and fucking struggle with it, like with the og legend of zelda and dq1.

"og games didnt have any hand-holding!" foolery and buffoonery. is it buffoon? is it baffoon? ok searched it, its buffoon!

anyways ummm HIGHLIGHST. from my gameplay in both pokemons. in red ive just been fucking sweeping gym leaders with the legendary BIG SEX and its so funny to me. get BIG SEX'd idiot. OH and i set up STIX a good moveset with tm's then went to the pre-elite 4 cave and. inventory full of unused TM's and no pokeballs i fucking find MOLTRES?!?!?!?! i didnt expect itbecause ive been going thru BLIIND except for pop culture references >_< so i reloaded to just before i set off to the cave in viridian city and will bring my damn master ball next time.

and on heart gold i STRUGGLED! with fighting blaine the ice type gym leader. his piloswine nearly sweeped my whole team it was fucking nuts ... also i had to do that twice because i lost like an hour of game bc it didnt save properly =_=??? bastard. first try both times though even if it was SOOOO close. also i lost my MIND when Alitavo evolved into a feraligatr because thats been my favourite pokemon since my first play of heart gold in. 2010? yup!

heart gold means a lot to me because i loved it deeply as a kid! i remember being 6 years old and watching the pokegear say the time was 00:00 and being so confused and asking my dad about it - of course my first late-nighter was supervised :) ...and i've ALWAYYYS latched onto things so hard that i will dedicate so much time to them. l,ord help my autistic ass

but YEAH i plan to finish off poke red sometime soon - next weekend? this week as i suffer nearly 3 hours of being on a bus a few days? and do some pokedex stuff :3 and then on heart gold ive still got a LOT ahead of me with kanto and post-game stuff and wrangling some event stuff for the pokedex... raaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

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