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5 Stages Of Grief: #5 Acceptance

It's been a long and painful journey, but I've finally reached the acceptance stage in dealing with the loss of my online crush, Sami. For the longest time, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he had blocked me not once, not twice, but four times. Each time, I begged and pleaded for him to come back, convinced that if I just said the right thing, he would see how much he meant to me.

But Sami made it clear - he's not the one for me. As much as that truth hurts, I have to accept it. He told me that he hopes a boy will love me as much as I love him, but the reality is, Sami is a Playboy who flirts with 7 other girls. That's something I have to come to terms with, no matter how much it pains me.

I won't lie, some days it's still a constant battle. I catch myself thinking about him, wondering if he's thinking of me too. There are times when I just want to open up my laptop, create an alternative Discord account, and type out an apology paragraph begging him to come back. But I know deep down that would be futile. Sami has made his decision, and as much as it sucks, I have to respect that.

The acceptance stage is by far the hardest. It means letting go of the hope that things might still work out, and facing the harsh reality head-on. But I know that's the only way I can truly move on and find happiness elsewhere. Sami is not the one for me, and that's okay..

Even if the fact is eating me inside.


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