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Category: Life

Yarii0's Yap Session #3

Yap Sessio#3

Yarii0's Yap Session - Life Spam :3

Welcome back to another session after a whole day! ^^ I'm surprised a couple of people did read my other two blogs and even commented on them! It kind of motivates me to continue writing not knowing that people might be interested in this..!

Also, thanks for the kudos! I really appreciate the attention. (♡´౪`♡)

So... did anything happen from the last time? To give a quick summary, I have a wittle cwush on this guy that use to go to my school, but I don't ENTIRELY have any intention to "be" with him since I don't know him personally, rather, he was eye candy to me. But I did take someone's advice and decided to follow him on my other tiktok account that is primarily used to erm... ahem.. lets just say to gain pretty privilege over lip syncing to songs.. (Thanks niko! And thank you tahilio for encouraging me a little to take steps.. ^^)

Did anything particular happened after that? Well... not... really((●´∧`●))...


But instead, I want to give a story about my previous yap session about me doing that tarot reading months ago! (Just to give you guys context to those who were curious! And yes it does involve the guy!)

So around October 29th to October 31st, I didn't have plans made with anyone or any friends of mine to begin with. But I was bored on the day of Halloween and decided to go hang out with my friend at her place. At this time, I didn't have any interest in this guy besides his attractive style and looks.

I have a small talent to read tarot cards, if I have the energy to, and basically get freaky accurate results. But this time, I did it as a joke! My friend and I wanted to do a reading on the guy...

I'm actually really tired of naming him "the guy" so we'll just call him, M&N ;].

My friend and I wanted to do a reading on M&N and we got crazy results like...

  • He's going to be in one of 3 of your friend's class next semester! (Didn't specify who..)
  • His appearance is very often seen more than last semester!
  • Popularity (?) seems even more profound!
And a bunch of other stuff about his personal life I wasn't sure myself was true... 

Guess what? All of that was...


It ended up being the same friend I went over that day I did the reading! She called me right after class FREAKING out and I didn't even realize it myself! So we did another reading that week...


Well... when we did the reading on October 31st, it was 3 days after the full moon! Which was kind of significant to me because I always do readings around the time the full moon comes and goes. So I did the reading on January 23rd, 2 days before the full moon and also the same day we found out about him being in my friend's class.

The results were a little boring but still freaky (because it came true!)

  • Will be grouped to do a project!
And again, more personal stuff about his mentality and his conditions... But in the end, on Thursday, January 25th, the full moon, it truly happened! My friend was grouped with him to do a project with two other people. 

However, based on my friends observation, he didn't seem to look good that day... Physically seemed tired and completely "zoned out" if you know what I mean..

But that was the last time I ever did a reading. On him specifically really. Not sure if I should do one tonight since the full moon is also in 3 days from now, but I don't know if I'll be disappointed with the results. ᇂ_ᇂ


Well, that's all I have for today's entry! Will totally do more and if you guys like the story times I can totally bring up some more silly stories (not involving M&N). Cya then! ^^


- yarii0

p.s. If anyone wants me to try and sketch a doodle

to show you guys what he looks like, let me know!

Not sure how well I'll do it but I can totally try! (人´∀`) 

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niko #proudcondom🎀

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I wanna see that doodle of M&N

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Def gonna do an entry very soon with a doodle!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

by yarii0; ; Report