this semester is so exhausting...

I don't know if it's just me, but this entire semester has drained me dry. I can hardly focus on anything anymore, even in class, like in my PSYC Human Sexuality class. This class I enjoy a lot, and I suggest everyone should take it at one point in their life. You find out a lot about yourself, but it's gotten so bad for me. I have to write a research paper, and record a podcast episode that is due in six days, and this educational burnout is kicking my ass. 

Other than that I have another class on campus that is my Acrylic painting class, which I do enjoy a lot. I have two online classes as well. One is my HIST of California and ART History class. The HIST of California is a rough class, the professor has us write two essays per week. The ART History class is pretty chill though, it only has a report on a certain artwork he releases each week. 

I just need this semester to be over 😂 I am so exhausted, I need to hibernate all summer. 

Anyway, don't mind my complaining, I just wanted to write my life and throw it out there. 

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