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Category: Quiz/Survey

MY SURVEY - questions to get to know me better

before we start, i edited this quiz a bit to my liking (took out questions i didnt want to answer). the full survey is credited at the end. enjoy!!! :D

Name?: Ava

Nicknames?: arga, arlo, monkey

Age?: 14

Do you have a best friend?: yes!!

Do you like to party?: yes very much 

Do you believe in love?: yes of course

What is your favorite band/singer?: OF ALL TIME: probably MJ, incubus.. CURRENTLY: paramore, panic! at the disco (as of when im making this, 2024)

What is your favorite song?: my two favorite songs of all time are probably warning by incubus and wanna be startin something by michael jackson

What is your favorite movie?: hot rod🙏

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?: i really like fruity ice creams such as sherbets and sorbets, but i also enjoy cookie dough ice cream and chocolatey flavors

What is your favorite color?: purple, blue, indigo, pink, magenta, red, green. i rlly like cool colors or colors found in nature.

Who is your best friend?: henry!! :3

Do you know everything about them?: pretty much

How many siblings do you have?: one brother

Are you happy with that?: yeah?? i do think it would be cool to have a sister

What are you listening to right now?: SWLABR by cream

What was your last drink?: water

What is your favorite food?: chicken parm, pasta, strawberries, mozzarella sticks, and the skin on my lips

What was the last thing you watched on T.V?: that 70s show

Do you believe in aliens?: of course i do. how could i not?

Do you believe that all cheaters will always be cheaters?: technically yeah. i do believe in second chances, but i also believe that a person cant really change. you cant take back things you once did and ways that you once thought. but idk everyone's different

Do you believe in dying becasue of lost love?: what

Have you ever had someone close to you die?: yeah

What was his/her name?: marilyn 

How did you know one another?: she was my great grandmother

What kind of cell phone do you have?: samsung😝🤘

Who was your last txt from?: a gc with my close friends

One or the other... not both...

pepsi/coke?: pepsi :P

money/love?: both 😝 (love)

friends/money?: friends

family/friends?: my friends are my family!! (friends)

pens/pencils?: pencils


last person you ate with?: me

last person you hit?: i accidentally whacked my cat in the face while stretching D:

last person you said "I LOVE YOU" to?: my brother

did you mean it?: uh ya?

ONE WORD...to describe...

last party was:: SECK!!!🤘🤘😝

band:: rush

needles:: shot

spaghetti:: orgasm

flyleaf:: buhdass!!

ll cool j:: liplicker

rap:: some

rock:: YES

metal:: yeah?!

love:: please

relationships:: yes

school:: fun

work:: eh

cell phones:: necessary

this survey:: epic

friends:: best

A-2-Z About Me Survey


Birthday: October 1st

Birthplace: the hospital?

Current Location: on the couch

Eye Color: dark blue

Hair Color: blonde, dirty blonde, golden..

Height: around 5'3 

Lefty or Righty: RIGHTYY

Zodiac Sign: libraa

Screenname: multiverselove, funkyfreshh18, fartmunchr, fartsmellr, wabalabachumarfugo, avavavavav. 


Number: 18

Band: dont ask me this..

Music Genre: rock & pop

TV Show: the office. andddd parks and rec and community and always sunny :P

Actor: i lovee charlie day and andy samberg 🤤🤤🤤 AND STEVE CARRELL!!!!!!!

Actress: amy poehler probably. meryl streep and scarlett johansson are also freakin epic.

Kind of Movie: COMEDY. i need to start watching other movie genres though

Cartoon: probably gumball or pingu

Sport: basketball!!

Fast Food Restaurant: uhh dairy queen


Candy: skittles, lemonheads, and anything cinnamon

Drink: water

Quote: "Nature Laughs Last" Heard it first from my mom, dont rlly know who officially said it

{---Do You---}

Have any siblings: one brotherr

Have any pets: yes two orange tabbies!!!!

Have a job: ya babysitting

Have a cellphone: yes

Have any special talents or skills: i can touch my nose with my tongue 

Have any fears: yes many. but they're not irrational.

Have a bedtime: most of the time yeah

Sing in the shower: doesnt everybody..?

Want to go to college: 100% yes

Get along with your parents: yeah

Have any piercings: my ears twice. got them pierced once when i was 5 and they got infected, have them pierced now and they're fine

Have any tattoos: when im older

Swear: in the right environment

{---This or That---}

Fruit or Vegetable: fruit

Black or White: black

Lights On or Lights Off: on??

TV or Movie: TV

Car or Truck: uhh well car, but trucks are awesome

Cash or Check: cash

Rock or Rap: rock

Chocolate or Vanilla: swirl

French Toast or French Fries: this is impossible

Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries

Cookies or Muffins: cookiez

Winter Break or Spring Break: spring

Hugs or Kisses: both bro.

{---Have You Ever---}

Smiled for no reason: 70% of my day is me smiling

Laughed so hard you cried: many many times. its the best

Talked to someone you don't know: yeah?? what?

Partied 'til the sun came up: yeahh! 

Been arrested: of course not

Been convicted of a crime: no

Been in a wreck: no, thank god

Been out of the country: nooo but i want to so bad

{---Random & Silly Junk---}

How many languages do you speak: native in english. and thanks to duolingo i can order a coffee in spanish!! (i had duolingo for a year)

Ever regret anything: many things

What are your goals: to ball till i fall

Are your fingers tired: yes.

Are you tired of this survey: pretty much

Are you happy: could be happier!!


Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=1901

you can ask additional questions in the comments if you want!!

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