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unpopular opinion. Internet addiction in kids has been way to normalized

As someone that grew up with 3 hour limited computer time it's fucking crazy to see my 4 year old nephew spend pretty much his whole day on his Ipad. I rarely see him do much else.

 it's really fuckin sad to see. how I grew up being on the computer or Tv was "Brain Frying" but now since an ipad and youtube can occupy a kid It's just normal. I hate it. the open internet is not and will never be safe for children. 

What happened to being scared of the internet. this place has not gotten much fuckin safer. This place has people out looking for children to groom. this place has videos of horrors one could not even think of. this place has POS's willing to sell your children out for a nickel. but apperently it's safe enough for every kid to be in the internet all day before the age of 10 

This is not something you fucking want at all as someone that grew up on the internet. I've become a socially inept loser. I'm desensitized to tragedy and gore. nothing makes me feel anything at all. I've learned and had to unteach myself so many violent and bigoted mindsets.  and porn addiction is TMI but its inevitable. 

Parents remember what you are giving your children. something that was apparently full to the brim with pedophiles is now safe enough to babysit your kids? please think twice and maybe just get them an xbox or something..... 

I'm Fucked Forever - penguinband

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Might be a little rude to say this but I feel like it's because many people nowadays just... Don't particularly care about their children? Or, rather, they don't have time/energy to care? We live such fast-paced lives nowadays and things have changed so much that it's not even funny. Of course it's easier to just get your child an iPad or any kind of device and leave them unattended so you can complete chores or get some rest. I'm mildly upset because my parents made the same mistake of granting me (near) unlimited internet access as a child and only ever restricted/monitored it if I was grounded for underperforming at school and such. Now that my sibling is older, my parents seem to be making almost the same mistake, though I think and HOPE that they're actually paying a little more attention than they did with me. More restrictions, more time limitations, etc... I'm not home very often, but when I am, I do my best to do some monitoring and to give my sibling some advice on what to do if something strange happens, etc.

It's just... Weird and sad. I don't want yet another child to fall victim to the ever-growing dangers of the online world. We've all seen things out here. Don't want more kids seeing them too...

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I agree but its like not impossible for a child to sustain themselves with anything except a phone.

by BUG_EATER; ; Report